Hey, Gud, any pictures of your kids to improve my mood? (goodness, I even make other people's kids all about meMeME)..
Uh, so by latex you mean something other than a form of plastic.
sumi, LaTex [Edit: and Tom, usually it's not that difficult. Other than when suddenly things that were beautifully compiled change their minds or the tutorials don't work. Sigh].
I figured out a way around it, phrasing things differently and in a clumsier way. I can't fight with manuals and tutorials right now.
Well, I've got this and this handy.
Nilly, would like a fishing on the beach pic?
Or, better yet, how about Vortex and ChiKat smiling at you?
-Ma to your dad, Vortex.
Congrats to Dr. Mr. Flea!
The next most recent pics are, Jeez, from Halloween time.
~ma to Vortex's da. And mortar board in the air for Mr. Flea!
ION, in case there was any doubt about the 'corporate' in corporate media and, you know, about the apocalypse being nigh and all...
MacDonald's is paying for fake product placement on NEWS programs.
Pardon me while I weep for my kind.
Gudanov, first you give us kids and dogs, and then kids in costumes? I'm dedder than ded from the cute!
MacDonald's is paying for fake product placement on NEWS programs.
The saturation of advertising is amazing. Maybe there's something that can make you feel better, you know, like Mentos(tm), the freshmaker.
What does 1dfa mean?
It's a puzzle for Nilly, but don't let on.