people need to be less offended, particularly over religion.
Less offended, or at least offended with less expectation that their upset is anyone else's problem. PZ Myers frequently offends the fuck out of me--but I find that problem very nicely solved by not reading his blog. He's entitled to his opinion on all the big questions of the universe just as much as I am; I don't like that he thinks people like me are deluded idiots and that our beliefs are ridiculous, but as long as I'm not reading him and setting myself up to feel ridiculed and disrespected his opinions have exactly zero effect on my life.
Really, everyone has all the right in the world to be as offended as they like at absolutely anything else in the world, but no right at all to demand that anyone else Stop It or Fix It. Grow the fuck up; if something makes you feel mad or sad or icky, stop going out and rubbing your own nose in it and then whining about it. People like Bill Donohue remind me of Charlie's brother--yeah, it hurts when he bites your finger, so stop sticking your damn finger in his mouth and being surprised when it hurts!
I swear, people.
can I vent for a moment? I need to even though it will make no sense to anyone outside my brain probably.
Dearest friend, do not throw a fit when i suggest that the plan for tomorrow night could be you picking me up on the way to pick up friend rather than you coming back to pick me up after you pick up friend as was initially suggested. Depending on how fast i get post-work stuff completed you picking me up first could work. It's not that big of a change and now you've made me feel insensitive for suggesting it!
Intra-Google wars over shrift hireage! There'll be nerf-bat battles in the hallways.
Honestly, from the way they originally had me scheduled at the end of next week, it does seem like they're trying to scoop me up before another department gets to me.
Honestly, from the way they originally had me scheduled at the end of next week, it does seem like they're trying to scoop me up before another department gets to me.
That puts such a huge smile on my face!
Hmmm... if I go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant that has a policy about no doggie bags, yet I try to pocket some food, I wouldn't be too surprised if they called the cops. So I extend the principle to the distribution of Communion wafers.
I have my fingers and toes crossed. And I'm thinking about ritual vegetable sacrifice. And trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to wear.
How much are you paying the church for your communion wafers, Theo?
I'm so jealous of your Google interview, shrift! I hope you get the job. What type of job is it?
What type of job is it?
Something in the Google Death Ray department?