but does anyone agree with me that events people are kind of crazy during/around the actual event?
Yeah. Well except for the caterer for our wedding. She was awesome. We felt sad after the wedding was over that she wasn't there to run our daily affairs.
Also I got in trouble for eating. Awesome.
Everyone knows starving employees makes them nicer and more productive. Sheesh, Jesse, what were you thinking?
Drew, I'm so sorry for your loss. {{{}}} to you and your family.
ND, you and PixKristin were apparently in my thoughts last night--you were both in a dream I had, in which the three of us were trying to track down some speakers for an event (not a F2F), and we were looking through a school for them. We were assisted in this endeavor by Stephen Hawking, who was zooming around the school corridors with us, speaking on his voice simulator.
It was very surreal.
Woman fired over death threat sent from work e-mail
So don't use your work email account to send death threats, m'kay?
Don't take this the wrong way if it applies to you, but does anyone agree with me that events people are kind of crazy during/around the actual event?
I can attest to my own craziness, yes.
Myers, a self-described "rabid new atheist," had been getting hate mail after blogging in support of University of Central Florida student Webster Cook, who is facing suspension after removing a communion wafer from a Mass held on-campus. Once blessed, these Eucharist wafers must be consumed immediately and Church leaders have said that Cook's actions were offensive.
In the post, Myers wrote that the Eucharist wafer, which for Catholics is the transubstantiated body of Christ, was "just a cracker."
Of all the things PZ blogs about on a daily basis, this is what gets the death threats?
So don't use your work email account to send death threats, m'kay?
Speaking of work, the big big big boss (as in the guy with his name on the company) is coming around imminently. Hope I don't screw up. Or inadvertently send him a death threat.
Of all the things PZ blogs about on a daily basis, this is what gets the death threats?
Bill Donohoe, he of the Catholic League, has of course taken such offense to this that he's turned his followers loose on Myers. Thing is, Donohoe has turned the threats around so that now he's saying that Myers and his fellow atheists are threatening to kill him and all Catholics, and he's asking for police protection at the Republican Convention since that's "in Myers' backyard" (well, 150 miles away from his home, but what's a few miles?).