I'm staring at my 18 year old going - how the heck... I mean, I remember every minute of those 18 years, and yet.
Feeling very old at the moment and very incompetent. Not having the house sold is making me feel like a failure who may have to ask her father for money. How pathetic is that? I'm 40, I should be past needing help from my parents.
Sorry for the whine, just grrrrring at myself.
I'm 40 and still renting. On the upside, now a parent needs my help with things instead of vice versa. Oh, wait. That's not really an up side. Oh, well, it's just occasionally, and it's nice to be needed.
Jilli was born in a very good month and year. Only awesome people were born in November of 1968.
{{{Suzi}}}, babe, it's been a helluva shakeup for you -- does it help to try to reframe the matter? It's not you needing to go to your parents for help. It's you having a healthy support network -- they'll be glad to help you when you need it, just as much as you'd help them however you can when they need it.
(Or you can just blame the crapassed real estate market. Either way, it's so not about you being a failure, at all.)
My deepest sympathies, Tamara
40 has been ok for me so far. We'll see...
Only awesome people were born in November of 1968.
I am so telling my sister that. She was born in December.
I... still don't know what a Jesus Year is. I mean, I got that it was 33, and that it's when the dude died, but is blowing it out in his name like a recognized ritual thing that all the Christians know about and I don't?
No ritual or anything. It's just a...thing. I've also seen it as your Jesus and Alexander the Great Year--IOW, you're 33, and you haven't saved or conquered the world yet (you underachiever, you), but at least you're not dead!
(Or you can just blame the crapassed real estate market. Either way, it's so not about you being a failure, at all.)
Yeah, when my head is on straight this is how I think about it. I just talked with my dad for the first time today since I moved and he was shocked that I was in this financial situation. Can't pay the mortgage, don't have a car...he just doesn't have to worry about money so he doesn't think about others struggling.
He did say I could come to him if I needed a loan, but man, I really don't want to do that unless I can say "I need x and will pay you back when the house closes". Right now I'm afriad it will be "I need x for now, but may need y if the house doesn't sell, and then there could be z".
Crapassed real estate market, crapassed economy... there are people who were gainfully employed and had homes who are now living out of their cars because of the aforementioned.
The Hub and I have friends who just five years ago purchased their first house that they're now allowing to be foreclosed simply because they've been screwed over so hard by lenders and refinancing and interest rates.
They're actually relieved to be renting again. It's wild.