Um, I got an award at lunch. Well our team did. For "teamwork". Except our team are all discourage and demoralized because our boss hides from us and never tells us things we need to know for our job. Anyway they gave us lunch, and gave us a plaque and a crystal paperweight thingy (Which will make a good weapon.) It's totally out of the First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence school of bogus awards.
And now, from the either the food or the public recognition, I am getting a migraine. It's interesting, I totally have a tinny taste in my mouth. I've never had that before.
DJ - here is the EXTREMELY long archived place where it all went down: [link]
DJ, this is a decent summary of the Dominate Your Face guy: [link]
So did the Dominate Your Face guy's mental illness cause him to be a mega-asshole? Or was his mental illness unrelated to his mega-assholeness?
I think it contributes to him being delusional.
That's kind of hilarious, Sue. Not the migraine. The other part.
I kinda want to start a fight with Jesse, just to let her get her cranky out.
Yesterday there were a couple of people blowing bubbles on Wall Street, one of whom was dressed crazy and running around. People's faces looked just like the onlookers in the Impov Everywhere videos.
oh sure Jesse, that's what YOU say.
That's kind of hilarious, Sue.
It is. It was even funnier when our boss told us we won the award. (This happened before the awards ceremony) His announcement was followed by a moment of awkward silence where we all were looking at each other in confusion. Then finally someone said, "For what?"
That's what your MOM said.