That's kind of hilarious, Sue.
It is. It was even funnier when our boss told us we won the award. (This happened before the awards ceremony) His announcement was followed by a moment of awkward silence where we all were looking at each other in confusion. Then finally someone said, "For what?"
That's what your MOM said.
"Look, I came here for an argument!"
"Oh, this is insults. Arguments are two doors down."
"Oh, terribly sorry. Good-bye!"
"Not at all. Stupid git."
My MOM said you were a ninny and that you post funny!
Happy birthday, sarameg (kind of fun when birthday posts are your first post in a thread) and puppy ~ma for Brenda.
I have returned from errandage that has resulted in new hair (color and cut), escaping from the vortex that is Target, and obtaining lunch which was a Southwest salad with jalapeño ranch dressing.
My sinuses are now clear and laundry awaits. Feel my joy. No, really, feel it.
Okay, inbox is cleared, so now I can say things.
Happy birthday, sara!
Lots of calm to lucy and brenda.
Yup! All I got.
I just had to do another phone interview. I think that this validates my decision not to apply for jobs today.
I think I'll read more of Busman's Honeymoon until the next phone call.
::waves to Ouise::
Hey there, Hec!
Um, I got an award at lunch.
Yay, award (even if it's bogus)! Boo, migraine! I hope it goes away.
My mother used to get migraines (and her major symptom, other than the pain, was that her field of vision would gradually close off until she couldn't see anything), but found that starting to laugh could fend them off in the initial stages.
This led to us children desperately trying to be funny in various public places so that our mother wouldn't go blind. People sitting nearby would say things like "What happy children you have! I wish my children were more like that." while we were wracking our brains for another joke. The Barenaked Ladies album was a godsend, since my mother consistently found
If I Had a Million Dollars
funny enough to prevent the migraine. Phew!