A friend sent me this link to the latest improv everywhere action.
I like this part:
One of the best reactions I saw unfortunately was not captured on video to my knowledge- I think it was on the first time around and a tanned middle aged woman with permed hair and a rough makeup job was sitting on the train completely surrounded by twins. She sat there for quite awhile without noticing. Then she looked up and must have seen it in the reflection of the window across from her because she did a startled quadruple take to the left and right. At first she let out an uncomfortable laugh but at that early stage nearly everyone on the train was either a hidden camera person or a twin and no one reacted to her confusion. This made her noticeably more uncomfortable so she got up and moved to another part of the car and stared at the floor till her stop. She certainly had the look of someone questioning their sanity- an awkward testament to the stellar job all the twins did in coordinating their outfits, accessories, hair, and actions- the Rosenblum twins had the same song queued on their iPods- that’s the level of dedication these agents had.
Why does it amuse me that they made her question her sanity? (Besides the fact that sounds like a fun hobby.)
I'm looking forward to leftover rogan josh for lunch. But I need to settle down and do some actual work before I eat.
I've had too many treats already this week.
bown chicka bown bowm
I kinda want to start a fight with Jesse, just to let her get her cranky out.
Happy day, sarameg!
::waves to Ouise::
I've vacuumed and done dishes this morning.
Now I'm off to mail shrift's much belated Umbrella Academy patch.
DJ, this is a decent summary of the Dominate Your Face guy: [link]
Um, I got an award at lunch. Well our team did. For "teamwork". Except our team are all discourage and demoralized because our boss hides from us and never tells us things we need to know for our job. Anyway they gave us lunch, and gave us a plaque and a crystal paperweight thingy (Which will make a good weapon.) It's totally out of the First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence school of bogus awards.
And now, from the either the food or the public recognition, I am getting a migraine. It's interesting, I totally have a tinny taste in my mouth. I've never had that before.
DJ - here is the EXTREMELY long archived place where it all went down: [link]
DJ, this is a decent summary of the Dominate Your Face guy: [link]
So did the Dominate Your Face guy's mental illness cause him to be a mega-asshole? Or was his mental illness unrelated to his mega-assholeness?
I think it contributes to him being delusional.