As another example, my brother's advisor brings in so much fucking money to his U, she could *easily* walk anywhere and they'd take her and probably throw in a few virgin sacrifices in addition to a small nation. So her U throws fancy labs, all the students she can abuse, all the travel she wants for her and her crew and insane benefits at her AND turns a blind eye to some iffy ethical issues.
eta: one of her colleagues DID walk. And took her ~10 grad students and entire lab. They all had their moving expenses paid and got big raises.
Lower paid people are always easier to replace and will always have the lowest level of benefits. It isn't right or fair, but the math works.
Yeah, that shit is typical. No good, but typical.
I'm watching Bravo, and they just had an ad for TWOP. ON TV. That's just weird. I mean, I know they got bought and everything, but a TV announcer should not be saying, "Spare the snark, spoil the networks."
I saw a TWOP shoutout on My Name is Earl last night. I thought it was hilarious.
I saw that too! Great ep, about the guy who had all the people in the box that loved him. And John Waters, whom I wish was my crazy gay uncle.(I'd have somebody to talk to at family events.)
OMG, I'm such a jackass. I just remembered I'm out of checks, when I went to pay my rent (we have until the 10th). The last check I wrote was three weeks ago. Did I order then? No I did not. So it takes two weeks to get them, unless I want to pay an extra $25. I do believe I can get a money order cheaper than that, so I didn't bother. The check before the last check I wrote was last month's rent. I don't write a lot of checks. Actually, I wrote check 544 in March 2007, and 570 in June 2008 -- BUT WAIT. That should mean I have another book of checks around! I may yet be saved.
Further updates as events warrant. (They won't.)
You're cracking me up, Jesse!
Good luck check hunting, Jesse! In the event that your hunt proves checkless, will they accept a money order for your rent? Cheaper than at $25 late fee.
Jesse just reminded me that I need to find a new book of checks. Used my last one last week. The last six checks I've written have been to Roto Rooter and Stanley Steemer for cleaning carpets. I should be taking this money directly out of Owen's college fund.
Jesusgod, MK is trying to gas me.