I have outfits that I only WEAR once a year, so I'm not a big believer in if you haven't worn it in a year, get rid of it. I much prefer the try everything on with everything else and see if you can make new combinations wardrobe sorting method.
This is okay for certain types of outfits. If you know you will wear it occasionally, I think it's okay to keep it. I have a flapper dress my mom made me as a freshman in high school. I still wear it for Halloween from time to time (when it fits).
Ruth away, though we may need to get JZ in on it, too. Which would be a tragedy, you know - all of us hanging out and stuff.
::cries:: looks at airfare ::cries some more
I know we've moved away from the mispronunciations but I have two more to make megan's head explode. There's Port Mouton, NS , which is pronounced as "Port Matoon", and L'Ardoise, NS, which is pronounced "Lordways".
Ruth away, though we may need to get JZ in on it, too. Which would be a tragedy, you know - all of us hanging out and stuff.
::cries:: looks at airfare ::cries some more
Sits in the corner with DJ and sniffles.
My day has caused me shriftian levels of rage.
Hivemind, activate!
Um, does anyone know anything about Masonic symbols? And the word Yessop, associated with a ring? DH was surveying a house today with what he thinks was a ton of masonic stuff, and that was written on one of the walls, but neither of us has ever heard it associated with the masons before.
I am ruthless about my own stuff. I moved around a lot growing up and got used to the regularly scheduled purging of stuff.
And, in the apartment before this one (I've only lived here about 9 months), I only had 1 smallish closet and 1 extremely small closet in a pretty small apartment (not Trudy's NYC apt, but still only 475sf). I got used to purging on a regular basis and being very selective about what I brought in to the space.
I'm about to do a purge. I've had my summer clothes out long enough now to have a feel for what will get worn and what won't. I tend to wear more than most though, hating to re-wear something in a 3 week period or so.
I have a huuuuuge closet for clothes.
My strategy is not to buy new hangers. When new clothes are bought, old clothes have to leave. FIFO, generally.