Dang, Kat had one fancy pants lunch.
So we've had a very busy day, after breakfast there was dance class, then a play date! We had 4 little princesses running around (well technically one was a fairy), then they doffed the princess duds for bathing suits and water play. v. full day. Now Frances is plying a cranky Isaac with popcorn.
and trying not to psych myself out of going
You better go! Or Juliana will sneak into your house and tattoo "Chickenshit Lazyfuck" on your ass while you're sleeping.
I have been wanting a new tattoo...
I have been wanting a new tattoo...
I don't think that's the one you want.
I think you want the one you told me at the Zam Zam room: "We didn't start trouble, but we knew how to finish it."
Am getting ready to go see Lucero by myself.
Sorry, brenda! I'm still in a meeting talking about allocation of funds and budgets and policies.
Hah! Yeah, that would probably be better (if no more accurate). Okay, I'm going.
I just discovered the disadvantage of new furniture: I'm not used to the space it takes up and crashed my thigh hard into the arm. Now have a huge swollen sore bruise on my thigh. OW.
shrift is in a meeting on a Saturday?
It is sad.
In the course of cleaning out the closet, I discovered a gift I'd bought for someone and apparently forgotten all about. I have no idea who the intended recipient is.
I have bacon fudge setting in my fridge. Will report back on whether it's disgusting or delicious.