Hey ita!
Jumps up and down, wearing something bright radioactive colors and juggling ice and fire while sneezing and whistling at the same time
Over there! Look!
(Explanation: this is a hilarious Israeli music video (actually, to an artist I really don't like). It's called "It is not good that the man should be alone". Apparently the cow is very sympathetic).
"Custard" to me means flan. "Frozen custard" means the stuff that's sort of like soft serve ice cream.
Morning, timelies, go-to-bed-insomniac-Americans-in-one-of-the-coasts, etc.
Hee. It's two in the morning here. And frankly, I would rather be anywhere but here right now. Tomorrow, I've got to work on my dissertation. Don't wanna!
I just want this writing to be over. I've promised myself a trip to Europe and/or Israel after I graduate. Also, a friend invited me to visit her in Cairo. So, fun things to do. After I finish all of this stuff. Which will take all year.
Fun is always ahead of us, Hil. Only sometime we catch it. Better than the horizon, I guess.
But yay for future travel plans!
Is it a sincere song, Shir? Because...weirdness.
Humm. I don't know. It says something like "It is not good that the man should be alone, but he is alone either way".
The cow makes my laugh so hard I tear. Every time.
I know that writing the dis is stressful, but for myself, I spent a lot of time not actually writing it.
That video is very odd.
I'm stressing out over my dissertation. This is not good.
OK, now the mention of weird Israeli music has made me search out "Push the Button." [link] This song always confuses me, because it takes me a line or two to realize when they've switched between languages I know and languages I don't, so I'm either trying to make sense of something I can't make sense or, or listening to something I can understand without realizing I can understand it.
God, I didn't need that reminder.
Here's a version with the lyrics. I'll try to translate the Hebrew when I'll have time.
Here's better Israeli music, for the sake of my country's musical karma alone.
Edit: I messed up the links.
"Custard" to me means flan. "Frozen custard" means the stuff that's sort of like soft serve ice cream.
What Hil said. Flan, or like, creme caramel, or something of that sort. There's a great frozen custart place in Alexandria that I miss, the "Dairy Godmother". I would love to go back there. They had great sorbet too.