We used to live by an A&W drive-in
There are 2 A&W restaurants/drive-throughs near me. One is about a mile away and the other is about 5 miles. What I am exceedly happy about is that Sonic is finally coming to this area and will be about 6-7 miles away. I am thrilled because I adore cherry limeades and slushies.
I have also found a hole-in-the-wall bar in the middle of nowhere fairly near here that brews their own root beer and makes a mean cheeseburger. And for cheap. Burger/chips (no fries)/root beer for $6. Love it.
I don't have ice cream per se, but I do have some green tea mochi and ate a couple of those. Yum.
Sometimes when I can't sleep at night, I walk to the Baskin Robbins near me and get a banana split. Anywhere from 9:30 pm to 3:00 a.m.
The guy who's usually there puts too much topping on them. But I never tell him that.
OMG! The Beacon still exists! [link] When we were going there, it was like 1975 or 76.
My sister brought me some very nice, tart cherries (already pitted and everything). I need to make a pie.
home of the world-famous Beacon Iced Tea
I've found my limit--I thought that was Bacon Iced Tea.
I've found my limit--I thought that was Bacon Iced Tea.
That sentence makes me both want to make Paul Gross arms and throw up in my mouth a little.
Hi all! Hope everyone had a good 4th of July. We went to Catalina with the cousins, it was a lot of fun. There was a goofy parade and fireworks--what more could I ask for?
That cake Kat made looks amazing. And I LOVE seeing Grace giggling. What a nice sight to see when I came back to b.org.
Morning, timelies, go-to-bed-insomniac-Americans-in-one-of-the-coasts, etc.
I can't really open my eyes. I have a lot to do today, with emphasis on seeing my friend before her flight to South America for the next 3 months.
RE: custard. Coming from half-English family, I know the vanilla pudding dessert as custard. Sometimes my mom adds caramel on top of it (yum!). With my 100% English relatives, it usually served with fruit salad/ice cream/both, but usually fruit salad (but I like the caramel topping most).
I need to be distracted from this.
Closing browser window now.
I think it's adorable ita, go buy it.
I am such a dork. Talking to a fellow mom today we got into a discussion about one of the American Girl dolls--Julie. I said she was the 70s doll, she said 60s. Since we're both academic types, we both were CONVINCED that we were right and the other was wrong. She finally ropes her daughter in to agree with her and tells me "it's two against one." WhatEV. So I of course get home and check online. Julie's story is set in 1974. I KNEW I was right!