Is it possible to buy a day at a hotel poolside here in LA? A decent poolside? With a bar? Okay, bar not needed. I'm not sure that I have enough energy to do more than loll all day, and I'm just wasting so many lovely days indoors. So I'm compiling alternative locales.
I know that the W hotel in westwood does poolside movies. So I wonder if you can do just poolside hang there.
The cake is really really good. though I didn't quite make it the way she recommended and since I didn't sift nor did I use a sheet, it ends up with a moister denser crumb. the icing is a bit intense.
Just getting to the Polgara+ Grace series. Which are wonderful pix of both!
Thomas Disch is dead by his own hand July 4th 2008. RIP you brilliant if sometimes appallingly cantankerous man.
as there wasn't much to do in our town besides drink and bowl (and I didn't drink then).
We didn't even have bowling-- but there was bowling and Perkins in another small (college) town about 20 minutes away, and we wnt there all the time. Movies were either 30 minutes or 45 minutes away, but they did show stuff at the college, which we went to even in high school.
ETA: I'm sorry, I missed the post above that someone died, and so, this post seems weird.
Huh. So now I'm playing free online poker. Some people are mean bullies. But at least I'm up on how much I came in with.
We used to live by an A&W drive-in
There are 2 A&W restaurants/drive-throughs near me. One is about a mile away and the other is about 5 miles. What I am exceedly happy about is that Sonic is finally coming to this area and will be about 6-7 miles away. I am thrilled because I adore cherry limeades and slushies.
I have also found a hole-in-the-wall bar in the middle of nowhere fairly near here that brews their own root beer and makes a mean cheeseburger. And for cheap. Burger/chips (no fries)/root beer for $6. Love it.
I don't have ice cream per se, but I do have some green tea mochi and ate a couple of those. Yum.
Sometimes when I can't sleep at night, I walk to the Baskin Robbins near me and get a banana split. Anywhere from 9:30 pm to 3:00 a.m.
The guy who's usually there puts too much topping on them. But I never tell him that.
OMG! The Beacon still exists! [link] When we were going there, it was like 1975 or 76.
My sister brought me some very nice, tart cherries (already pitted and everything). I need to make a pie.
home of the world-famous Beacon Iced Tea
I've found my limit--I thought that was Bacon Iced Tea.