English cukes are the long skinny ones with no seeds. Also about three to four times as expensive as the standard ones, so I usually just scoop the seeds out with a spoon.
My mother is currently on the receiving end of a real life "lurkers support me in email" situation. My eyes are rolling so hard at these people I can hardly see:
(My mother is the extremely diplomatic temple president quoted in the article.)
eta: Jessica, she was, indeed, very diplomatic. Similar words could have sounded petulant, but that came off as just slightly ready to be done talking about it.
Root Beer Floats, yay or nay (both in the immediate and abstract sense)?
total yay. Now I want one!
root beer floats are always yay!
Thank you. The Internet has settled the issue.
Backstory: T asked me if there had been any discussion of root beer floats. I commented that this was strange phrasing (as the question was essentially the same one I asked you guys), and that I would be happy to ask the Internet.
Other story: Taking the dog out for a walk, I saw a small fire down the street. As I had the dog's leash in my hand, I pointed and said, "fire." (I feel really good about this level of action. Let's just hope I'm never in a real crisis situation) After determining the location of the fire (largely an issue of which scale of distance to look in), T went over and, with the aid of his Chuck Taylors, put the fire out.
Really, it wasn't a whole lot more exciting than it reads, but it was the minor heroic act of the day (could have ended with tree and/or house on fire if no one had put it out)
To sum up:
Yay Kirsten
His Girl Friday
Yay root beer floats
YAY root beer floats. I totally want one now.
I love root beer floats! Sadly, I tried some Root Beer Float ice cream that was incredibly disappointing. Nothing beats the leftover root beer all creamy with melted vanilla, really.