Owch! Carmel can get really, really hot. Maybe some aloe would help, Sophia?
I'm waiting for another round of thunderstorms to get here. I love storms, especially when I don't have to go anywhere in them. I'm also trying to get up the gumption to make a BLT. The tomato is fresh and locally grown, the bread is sourdough, the whole thing should be totally yummeriffic. On the other hand, the couch is extremely comfortable.
I went and got my hair done--it's now a nice shade which bears little to no resemblance to the shade I wanted.
Did you not go to Kirsten?
I am watching His Girl Friday, which is one of my favorites, and I am finding myself feeling sorry for poor Ralph Bellamy, which is sort of ruining my enjoyment. It is sort of like my over-identification with th fish ruins my enjoyment of The Cat in the Hat.
I miss Kirsten already. The Colorado weather has given me hair I do not recognize. It is bizarre.
Sophia, remember two things about Ralph Bellamy: (1) It's his job to be Ralph Bellamy and be the boring other guy that women must ditch to be with Cary Grant; (2) His character in Trading Places was a horrible racist.
(a good cold Pink Lady apple)
Oh, those are my favorite apples! I want one right now. And you have to love the name.
I need to run an errand, but it's started raining. feh.
I've been dying to try grapples and I can't find them anywhere. Pink Ladies are very yummy, though.
Did you not go to Kirsten?
I did, but my hair is weird. I wanted this color [link] so she mixed red and black dyes. My hair is now brown.
At least it's a pretty brown.
English cukes are the long skinny ones with no seeds. Also about three to four times as expensive as the standard ones, so I usually just scoop the seeds out with a spoon.
My mother is currently on the receiving end of a real life "lurkers support me in email" situation. My eyes are rolling so hard at these people I can hardly see:
(My mother is the extremely diplomatic temple president quoted in the article.)