You know what I love about my backyard? That quite often the loudest thing I can hear are birds singing their little hearts out!
Yeah, as much as they drive me crazy, I'm going to be sad when I move into the "city" part of the city in a couple of months and I start hearing bums, not birds, out my window.
Probably on the whole too many English sparrows, but there are lots of other chirpy kinds to make up for it.
You know how sometimes people ask, "Is this site down for everyone, or just me"? Well, now you can just go to
I vote:
1) lamb tagine with figs and apricots
I almost bought lamb at the farmer's market today, but I didn't have enough money. I take $20 to the farmer's market, that's it. otherwise, I'd leave there spending $50 every week.
Well, I've decided I love the butchers at Mollie Stone's (local overpriced gourmet market). I explained what I wanted it for, and they cut up the lamb shoulder for me there, saving me a bundle over the pre-cut stuff. So I got 3+ lbs of good-quality lamb for about $11. Not to mention the time it saved me in cutting up the meat myself.
It's funny to me how there are some basic things that never occur to me. Like asking a butcher for a specific cut. Of course, I wouldn't know what to ask for, anyway. My mom never did, so it was never an example set out before me . I occurs to me- my grandparents raised their own meat, so presumably my mother never had the experience growing up of asking a butcher at a store for certain cuts! She just went down to the freezer. (I'd guess they had a butcher come out to the farm if they didn't do it themselves.)
(and left to his own devices, my father would live off sandwiches, refried beans and jarred pasta sauce, so he's no help.)
Hivemind question (probably for ita):
Liv got a cut on her eyebrow about two (?) weeks ago. It bled but closed up and was swollen and black & blue for a few days to a week. But it seemed to be healing very well. I figured it would fade into a small scar. But now the scar has turning red again and the swelling is back (just noticed this today).
It being Sunday, I'm planning on calling the pediatrician tomorrow and getting her in to have it looked at but if is this something I should be more worried about (like urgent car or ER worried?)
Wimbledon starts broadcasting at 6am LA time, so the west coast is likely behind. Couldn't tell you what had aired here already, but since we're usually oblique about it (cf posts above), why spoil anyone else?
Federer and Nadal: cutest rivals ever?
is this something I should be more worried about (like urgent car or ER worried?)
I think talking to your pediatrician tomorrow should be fine. Is it hot to the touch?