Black. Lots of black.
I took a look at the club's Metromix page, and it looks like there's a wide variety of style going on, so I'm probably good.
Dude, are you a groupie now?
HEY. They posted about it on their myspace, and there's no cover charge!
Chain restaurants lie about nutritional content of "healthy" menu items.
Dishes targeted to health-conscious consumers at popular chains such as Chili's, Taco Bell and Applebee's contained as much as twice the calories and eight times the grams of fat than the restaurants claimed in their published nutrition information, a Scripps Television Station investigation revealed.
(Shocking, I know...)
Eddie the Gangsta Barrista who never says anything to me spun my coffee down the counter, whispered "extra shot for you today" pounded his chest twice and flashed me a peace sign.
Aww, that's really sweet!!
I have very little memory of the Rilla books, except that somehow, Anne was annoyng but I liked her anyway, and Rilla was annoying and I wanted to SMACK her.
I have a strong suspician that Jamie Oliver doesn't have a lot of experience with being turned down for sex, and is therefore working with a faulty and limited dataset.
I can categorically state that I would have no trouble withholding sex from Jamie Oliver indefinitely, even if he were my only option.
Second day at new temp job.
The workspace is slightly surreal.
Our little cube-farm is directly under a huge skylight and two floors of open space.
See, originally this was the open lounge, kitchen area. But they needed the space.
Consequently there is a center stripe of cubicles directly under the skylight most of the day. Not only is it hot like a hothouse under here, but the glare is so intense that the only way to work is to have an umbrella up over your computer.
So. Yeah, all the desks in my section have umbrellas jerry-rigged over their monitors. I have a nice green and white golf umbrella taped to the monitor, with the handle balanced on an upturned tupperwear container.
One lady down the row has rigged up an entire canopy of binder clipped paper, trailing down from her high standing umbrella. Some people have two umbrellas. My row-mate gets completely under his umbrella at mid-day when the glare is the worst.
Also, there's open duct work and pipes and wiring.
It's like somebody through up a cube farm in a parking garage with a skylight.
The desks around the perimeter - away from the skylight - are about 15 degrees cooler.
Feh. My CSA pickup was supposed to start this week, but I just got an email that it's actually starting next week. No mystery veggies to figure out how to cook today. Mystery veggies are always fun. Even though I do know the name, I still really know nothing about them. The easy defaults are always "stir-fry with tofu and serve with rice" or "saute with some garlic and olive oil and put on top of pasta," but it's fun to find new ways to cook them, too.
I need to go grocery shopping. Do I go to Safeway, which is a short walk but overpriced and crappy selection; or Trader Joe's which is a medium walk and cheaper but mostly packaged stuff and no good tofu or produce; or Whole Foods which is a long walk and sometimes overpriced but has good produce and cheap good-brand tofu?
Our little cube-farm is directly under a huge skylight and two floors of open space.
oooh look. It's Survivor San Francisco!
(eta bc, um. geography?)
They should issue these: [link]
Or these: [link]
Although they'd probably be kind of warm.