The employees at the Coffee Bean were asking me what I'm doing up so early, since I go in to get my iced coffee before the gym at 6:15. They're all cheerleading every morning, now.
This morning when I stumbled zombie-like up to the counter, Eddie the Gangsta Barrista who never says anything to me spun my coffee down the counter, whispered "extra shot for you today" pounded his chest twice and flashed me a peace sign.
Why do other people get so stoked when someone else goes to the gym?
Just walked 3 miles (Kenmore Square to Beacon Hill) to avoid the T (the Green Line is wretched during rush hour - anyone from the Boston area can confirm its awesome wretchedness) and paused to watch baby ducks in the Public Garden. So. Cute. Bopping around in the water; their little heads bobbling back and forth. Of course, I also saw
the squished remains of a rat who'd gotten the worst of an encounter with a construction vehicle working in the Garden. Very recently, apparently.
Am tired, but feel all healthy and shit for getting such a good hike in.
“Men are driven by sex,” the celebrity chef said this weekend at the annual Hay-on-Wye festival. “So the best way for women to get their men into the kitchen would be to stop having sex with them until they start to cook.”
I never understand this advice (except, perhaps, in Lysistrata, when they were trying to end war), because withholding sex from my BF hurts not only him; it hurts me, too!
Advising women to withhold sex assumes that women don't like sex, or at least don't like it as much as men, but that's a faulty assumption.
Why do other people get so stoked when someone else goes to the gym?
Cause it means we don't have to!
WTF? How does it skip a day like that?
I've frequently had my worst stiffness from a workout skip a day.
Jamie Oliver believes that women should abstain from sex with their husbands or boyfriends to punish them if they refuse to cook.
Yes, I'm sure blackmailing a spouse or significant other by withholding affection to get your way is a very effective manner of smoothing over disputes in a relationship.
Wouldn't just not cooking for them be a more effective manner of passive resistance with the bonus of not sending a mixed message about one's feelings? I think in the long run you're better off if they start sneaking out for food rather than the alternative.
I think the assumption is that women have self-control, and men don't. They need to fuck in the same way that I need to pee after a large iced coffee and a long commute.
Or something ridic like that. It's the sort of argument used for why men rape women who wear no bra and/or short skirts. they can't "hold it." Like they have to pee really bad.
Thank you, Jamie Oliver, for further confirming my opinion of you being a total idiot and horse's ass.
New Yorker
article on hangovers: A Few Too Many
Some words for hangover, like ours, refer prosaically to the cause: the Egyptians say they are “still drunk,” the Japanese “two days drunk,” the Chinese “drunk overnight.” The Swedes get “smacked from behind.” But it is in languages that describe the effects rather than the cause that we begin to see real poetic power. Salvadorans wake up “made of rubber,” the French with a “wooden mouth” or a “hair ache.” The Germans and the Dutch say they have a “tomcat,” presumably wailing. The Poles, reportedly, experience a “howling of kittens.” My favorites are the Danes, who get “carpenters in the forehead.”
hold music makes me want to rip my hair out.