Burrell, I hadn't thought about them that way. I have to admit, I don't see a lack of behavioural command to your first example, but that might be because life looks like a computer program to me.
Eh, perhaps (I do think neuroses can have that component I just don't think it's definitional with neuroses), I was trying to avoid the more typical neurotic posts, like the one about being grossed out by the thought of people brushing their teeth. Had I gone with that one, can you see what I mean?
Also I lack the training to make a really proper distinction, all my study in psych has been reading psychoanalysis for lit crit, and that's probably biased me towards thinking of neuroses in terms of narrative.
Moooooom! Maria's taunting!!
I had Round Table Pizza last night. But now I want Maria's dad's pizza.
WOW! Now I am beyond hungry. Must go get food.
For your consideration - possibly the most awesome chair in the universe: Surf Chair
And here I was thinking it was going to be a chair on a couple of surf boards.
Oh dear. It appears that I should have called my mother last night, which I had intended to do but forgot until it was too late. I got an "I HOPE YOU'RE NOT DEAD" e-mail.
I want Maria's dad's pizza too!
shrift - did you reply that you were emailing her from Beyond?
I got an "I HOPE YOU'RE NOT DEAD" e-mail.
My mother tends to go for the "Did you forget you have a mother" voicemail.
Is there any particular reason you would have died over the weekend?