I just got up a few minutes ago. Maybe once I have some food and coffee in me I will call my dad. I bought him a card, but I didn't manage to send it. Doh.
It looks like its another pretty day out, so I feel like I am obliged to do something outdoorsy. I don't know what though.
I was thinking of you, meara, while watching Drumline on VH1 just now! Now it's Save The Last Dance 2, and I'm not sure I can take it.
I'm supposedly cleaning my apartment, and also doing various computer updatey things.
Ooh, I'm so turning on VH1 now, thanks Jesse!! :) (Drumline JUST started here in Pacific time)
You know I've got your back!
I'm a horrible son, I completely forgot about Father's Day.
See also my post from last night about e-cards. I literally had no idea until Friday that Father's Day was today. This is what comes of skipping ads on TV via DVR.
Was it the Y, Kat?
Nope. At the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center. The whole process is insane. But I've also learned the trick (go early. get a number. do something and then come back at 10 when the reg process really starts).
I know starbucks is the evil that kills other coffee places, but I do love their iced tea lemonades. I just registered the gift cards I've had so I can get free wifi when I'm there. YAY.
Hee. And Save the Last Dance 2 just started now, and I'm realizing I never ever saw it. Huh. I thought I had. How can I remember vaguely seeing the annoying Texan roommate, but the rest of it is not pinging me at all?? Maybe I only saw a few scenes in the middle?
I think it's time to shower, so I can rewind and then fast forward through commercials....thank god for TiVo...