Hee. And Save the Last Dance 2 just started now, and I'm realizing I never ever saw it. Huh. I thought I had. How can I remember vaguely seeing the annoying Texan roommate, but the rest of it is not pinging me at all?? Maybe I only saw a few scenes in the middle?
I think it's time to shower, so I can rewind and then fast forward through commercials....thank god for TiVo...
So annoying -- I need to buy a ticket home, and Delta is $40 cheaper than USAir. But I much prefer USAir, and have all my FF miles there! 1000 FF miles are in no way worth $40.
I got DH Leaving Las Vegas on DVD (his favorite movie). I tried to get him a Wii but there are none to be found in town. I went to four stores.
Okay so I am incompetent/resistant when it comes to flickr, but I finally uploaded photos from, oh, the past year or so just so I could upload photos from the recital yesterday. With luck, the link will work and everyone can enjoy my little kitty.
She does seem big to me, although on stage yesterday it was clear what little bobes the 4-5 year olds are.
She is soooo cute!
It makes me feel old to see all these Buffista babies grow up! I remember when she was just a gleam in your eye, and here she is, a Big Girl!
OMG! The CBC has started a new reality show to cast a Maria for a new produciton of the Sound of Music. One of the judges is the leading man for the production, John Barrowman! OTOH, another judge is Andrew Lloyd Webber.
NO. TSoM is perfect as is. Why do they insist on remaking classics that are perfectly cromulent already?
t /curmudgeon