Dear Fluffy All Seeing God,
Today I wanted to ask just this one, simple question: I've been awake for the past 13 hours or so. Alright, so that means my brain's only up for about 10 hours, but why oh why my eyes are still half-closed?
I'm about to enter the kitchen now, and experience with a why do I have to do this again? lovely thing called cooking. And I'm about to use a flame, for I'm about to fry a cauliflower. And I don't wanna get burn.
For your attention,
Weary Eyes Anonymous
For Father's Day Matilda came toddling into the living room bearing a package wrapped in plain tissue and curled ribbons.
I got...Thorlos! May everybody have a fancy sock Father's Day.
mr. flea got Flight of the Conchords DVS and a Nerf Blaster gun (that unfortunately scares the baby.) He agrees that I rock at gift-giving.
My dad got a gift certificate to Cabela's (what I like to call Daddy Heaven).
I just got up a few minutes ago. Maybe once I have some food and coffee in me I will call my dad. I bought him a card, but I didn't manage to send it. Doh.
It looks like its another pretty day out, so I feel like I am obliged to do something outdoorsy. I don't know what though.
I was thinking of you, meara, while watching Drumline on VH1 just now! Now it's Save The Last Dance 2, and I'm not sure I can take it.
I'm supposedly cleaning my apartment, and also doing various computer updatey things.
Ooh, I'm so turning on VH1 now, thanks Jesse!! :) (Drumline JUST started here in Pacific time)
You know I've got your back!
I'm a horrible son, I completely forgot about Father's Day.
See also my post from last night about e-cards. I literally had no idea until Friday that Father's Day was today. This is what comes of skipping ads on TV via DVR.