Seriously, y'all. That dog has been at the groomer's for
four hours.
This is why I don't quibble at the price. (Or take her more than twice a year.)
Oy. Poor Emmett. But that's actually some seriously impressive self-awareness going on there, even he did have to scream out a lot of upset to get through to it.
In a "Job Wanted" ad for an executive asst, what might you list as your software skills? I'm trying to update one that says "Five years experience. Word and Works."
All of Office, for sure, if applicable. Any other email/scheduling type things, like Groupwise or whatever. If it's true.
Kids. They have complicated feelings and they don't know what to do with them.
At least he's old enough to figure out and articulate what they are, eventually...?
She is... she just
him so well, so thoroughly, knows how to let him get to a place where he can calm down and articulate his feelings.
megan, you might want to add Outlook and PowerPoint if applicable.
It's a fake add. I just want to put what would be most likely.
I'd go with something like "Microsoft Office suite". Lotus or Works etc. if you actually use them.
I'd probably just go look on some place that has ads and borrow what they use, if it's a fake ad, Megan.
I mean, depending on what it's going to be used for. Maybe reword it, if it's going to be used for some kind of presentation and I don't want people to be all "OMG, PLAGARIZER!!1ELEVETY!"
OK, for a fake ad, I would definitely say "expert in Microsoft Office, experienced in Lotus Notes and GroupWise."
I would probably say that in a real ad, actually, since I have seen all of those programs.
God, this is a sucky day!
Except for HappyBirdayBoy, Dylan!
I have a sister in Des Moines, a sister and brother + family in Cedar Rapids and 2 sisters in the Quad Cities! I am beside myself about what is happening up there in Iowa!
And if that wasn't enough gloom for me today, Tim Russert dies and I fell like I've lost a friend!
I need a hug!
I mean, depending on what it's going to be used for. Maybe reword it, if it's going to be used for some kind of presentation and I don't want people to be all "OMG, PLAGARIZER!!1ELEVETY!"
Well, it will be reworded--into French--so I'm not too worried about OMGWTFP!
ETA: Thanks everyone!
I heard that the Cedar River has crested and has started to go down. So, that's one thing.