I know what the t-shirt sayyyyyyyyyyys
Lemme guess: the initials here are MFW.
You've SEEN the pictures of his mama wearing it, right? OMGSOCUTE!
I have
idea what you girls are on about. None.
What if it was fic? Would one be outraged?
That really depends on the fic. There is ample fic that, out of context, is... startling to say the least.
Go Cubbies!
We won!
Emmett didn't play. He got out on the field and in the heat started having diarrhea cramps.
Felt better by the end of the game, we all went out to celebrate with pizza and...then he had diarrhea.
Oh well. We won without him. Very close game again, against a very tough team.
Now comes the all-stars and tournament season in earnest.
Hee - SF city workers volunteer to serve as deputy county clerks to help with the marrying of all those same-sex types.
I like the sample marriage application: [link]
Poor Emmett! Hope the little guy feels better soon.
Poor Emmett! Hope the little guy feels better soon.
He'll be okay. I think he evacuated everything. He's got another tournament this weekend so it's not like there'll be a long wait between games.
Then since the Cubs won, we go to Tournament of Champions. We'll see how many kids we have available for that after everybody scattters on vacation. One of our kids had his bag packed at the game and was gong directly to the airport for San Diego. Another was flying out to Mexico in the morning.
SF city workers volunteer to serve as deputy county clerks to help with the marrying of all those same-sex types.
Emmett and JZ went to City Hall during the big Valentine's Day wedding of yore and handed out coffee. It's nice that he got to play a little part in an historical moment.
Scrappy, that is a wonderful dress.
My Sister is home for the weekend. YAY!
Yay, Shir!
In good news, I slept almost all the way to my alarm this morning! My body tried to wake up a few times, but I resisted! I feel better already. Also, at the end of the day yesterday, I randomly ordered some shoes off Zappos, and they're supposed to arrive today! That's so crazy. Literally less than 24 hours.
Yay Shir!
I have a hivemind question for the English Lit people among us:
Do the lines:
why would he give me such wit without a conscience equipped?
mean anything to you? It is a line from a Faqll Out Boy Song, but it reminds me of something-- like a John Donne poem-- or something Elizabethan-- or Shakespeare.
like a John Donne poem-- or something Elizabethan-- or Shakespeare.
or Milton... something said in Pandemonium... ::wanders off to check::