Yay, Shir!
In good news, I slept almost all the way to my alarm this morning! My body tried to wake up a few times, but I resisted! I feel better already. Also, at the end of the day yesterday, I randomly ordered some shoes off Zappos, and they're supposed to arrive today! That's so crazy. Literally less than 24 hours.
Yay Shir!
I have a hivemind question for the English Lit people among us:
Do the lines:
why would he give me such wit without a conscience equipped?
mean anything to you? It is a line from a Faqll Out Boy Song, but it reminds me of something-- like a John Donne poem-- or something Elizabethan-- or Shakespeare.
like a John Donne poem-- or something Elizabethan-- or Shakespeare.
or Milton... something said in Pandemonium... ::wanders off to check::
I bet those are the kind of people who hover over clean public toilet seats (thus getting them wet and ruining it for normal people).
I unfortunately discovered (when someone didn't lock their stall at work, so I thought it was unoccupied) that some of this may be due to people who are used to squat toilets. No, you don't want to know.
ION, I gave up on the Celtic/Lakers game early on because Gang Green was getting the snot beaten out of them. Boy am I sorry I did. I would have loved to have been at the stadium to watch Jack's smirk slowly disappear and listen as the Matt/Ben/Marky Mark contingent ended up being the only ones cheering. Beat LA!
Beat LA!
Seconding this, not because I follow basketball, but because the DH and I have a Leon Powe connection. (His bff from Oak Tech & Cal, etc., is the son of one of our flying buddies, and he hung around their house a lot. Nice, sweet kid.)
DH and I have a Leon Powe connection
Cool. He's been really showing flashes this year - almost everybody on the team has since Garnett and Allen arrived.
There's this graffiti painted on a fence that I walk by on my way home from work. It says, "CHICKEN OVER BITCHES." I am baffled as to what that can mean.
That can mean NOTHING good.