If possible I usually wear jeans on the plane. Can I impress someone who would change my life, in jeans?
I think so. I interpret the "dress to impress" more as "Would I be embarassed to be in this if I met a cute guy someone I wanted to impress?" than wearing anything fancy. You can look fine in jeans and a t-shirt, it just depends on the jeans (or yoga pants) and the t-shirt. And, more importantly, the shoes. You can be comfortable and still not look like you rolled out of bed.
You can look fine in jeans and a t-shirt, it just depends on the jeans (or yoga pants) and the t-shirt. And, more importantly, the shoes. You can be comfortable and still not look like you rolled out of bed.
Yeah, absolutely. And going back to the theater thing, sure I'd wear jeans to a $15 Off-Off-Broadway show, but only with a nice top and good shoes!
I have to say that I looked pretty freaking cute in the outfit I wore on the plane going from SF to Chicago last weekend.
I feel that people should dress nicely for airflight (or at least sensibly), but there a lot of people who resent being told that they shouldn't dress like they're in their own living room.
There's a big distance for me between what I wear in the living room, what I would wear on a plane, and what I have to wear to work (or court). Planes are uncomfortable. I am no more going to meet someone that I care is disgusted by my flip-flops sitting in the middle seat than I am going to win the lottery. Planes are entitled to what I would wear in public and no more.
Bon Bon, for the recodI find women in flip flops cute and styling, but dudes always look like they have a hangover and slept on the couch.
I find dudes in flip-flops sexy, so, different strokes. It looks cazh.
I also have an old-fashioned dislike of obscene t-shirts. I swear myself, but that's to a specific audience. The "Go Fuck Yourself" or whatever shirts one can see always make me think about the poor grandmothers who will be truly bothered by seeing it while walking down the street.
t /get off my lawn with your damn slogans
I feel weird wearing flipflops in public. They're my house shoes! I understand I may be peculiar in this habit, however, I still judge the people who wear them to work here.
schmeck schmeck schmeck schmeck schmeck schmeck