Stop Trying to Remember Things On the Tip of Your Tongue
Weblog ScienCentral reports that when you can't come up with an answer that's sitting on the tip of your tongue, you're best off forgetting about it altogether. That's because, according to a study by experimental psychologists at Canada's McMaster University, the more you struggle to remember a word on the tip of your tongue, the more difficulty you'll have remembering it in the future. Their recommendation: Just look it up, and do so as soon as possible.
Noah's in the 95th percentile for hours of sleep.
Now, THAT is something to brag on!!!
Scrappy & Sophia, I hope you got new doctors because that is seriously wack.
I need to do more boob size research in my family. I feel like no one is quite my size but sometimes it's hard to tell from older pictures of, say, my paternal grandmother when she was my age. The fashions were so different. My paternal grandfather's only sister was very petite.
I do have McGonegal (my mom's family) thighs though. Meat-y.
Degenerative diseases of aging are not genetic but acquired. Because the systems of the human body are interconnected and because one imbalance creates another imbalance, poor eating and lifestyle habits, not genetics, are the cause of degenerative disease.
Yeeeah, I'm not buying that. Especially not if "degenerative diseases of aging" includes things like Lou Gehrig's disease and Huntington's chorea. (Which both kick in in adulthood, usually middle age.) Huntington's, for one, has been
to be genetic, so much so they have a screener test for it. And while I'd grant that there are big environmental factors in, say, arthritis or osteoporosis, to say that they are environmental to the exclusion of genetics sounds like a big fat lie.
Aren't these alarmingly close to those horrendous shoes shrift posted a few days ago?
Alarmingly close, but I think shrift's had a freaky toe mushroom.
An acupuncturist friend has tested me to discover that I have a thyroid deficiency. It has been further suggested that I might be able to control it through diet and supplementation. Much more my choice than synthetic HRT.
Hmmm....I think it would depend on the severity of the deficiency. I'm not sure how a change in diet would effect the thyroid, beyond an increase in salt intake. I would we very wary of not having things in the endocrine system addressed (as someone with who chose to leave a thyroid disease untreated).
I do have McGonegal (my mom's family) thighs though. Meat-y.
I have legs to build an empire on. Thanks mom.
Hmmm....I think it would depend on the severity of the deficiency. I'm not sure how a change in diet would effect the thyroid, beyond an increase in salt intake
IIRC, there are foods you should avoid if you're hypothyroid, like cabbage.
OMG the boot/sandal hybrid needs to die NOW. No possible good can come of it. Let it be mercifully released to that great Zappo's in the sky.
My mother didn't actually get these thighs. Or, at least, they are scaled down to fit her petite frame.
Genetically I'm mostly pissed that I got my maternal grandfather's rather than maternal grandmother's body hair. Her's was invisible blond. His, not so much. (I do like being a blue-eyed brunette so I can't complain too much.)