Sophia - Rochester is both colder than NYC in winter and hotter in the summer??
Yes! It is crazy!!! It is because we are not near the ocean, I think. But we are regularly in the 90's throughout July and August for the past ten or so years.
Edited to delete random whinging about where I live and my life happiness!
Hah! My weekend of slacking off work I really needed to do has paid off. Someone rearranged all the content on our departmental site over the weekend and no one can figure out who, since the people logged as having accessed the site don't/shouldn't have the rights to fuck with anything.
I do have those rights, but due to the aforementioned slacking, am in the clear!
Someone rearranged all the content on our departmental site over the weekend and no one can figure out who, since the people logged as having accessed the site don't/shouldn't have the rights to fuck with anything.
That's weird, because I didn't think you worked in my office.
(IOW, that would totally happen -- and probably HAS happened -- here.)
brenda m - is there a change log in the database?
I think you can transport/purchase ivory in the United States, but you need to be able to prove, with lots of documentation, that the ivory is pre-ban. At least I think that is what the Antiques Roadshow experts say...
Oh, joy. I am being yelled at some more for something I didn't do and have no control over, so it's not like I could have helped in any way had I actually been working on Saturday. And McSnorty is still here.
WTF, Monday.
A fastener on mac's leg brace broke off. I am going to have to take a full day off to get it fixed. I love these people, but I hate where their office is adn the guy only works there 1 day/week.
Two packets of airline peanuts do not make a suitable breakfast.
True. Although one time they saved the lives of the people around me when it turned out nothing was open at the airport for me to buy breakfast before my flight.
Lost another two pounds. I attribute this to cutting out any sort of muffin or pastry in my diet, and the gym.
WTF, Monday.
I really really don't feel like working. I guess I'll do the bullshit project I said I'd have done by next week -- at least it doesn't call for much thinking...
I have been doing invoives ALL morning. I have three piles and then one vendor discovered we never received their invoices from like April!?!?! so now I have those.
HAHA and now that she faxed me the invoices, I see they are for shipping charges with NO PRODUCT. Nice try. nsm.