Well, the way Spike was choking her -- these are the things I pick up at BDSM conventions -- wasn't a method that necessarily blocks the windpipe; but it does block the carotid artery, and lack of oxygenated blood flow to the brain makes you pass out. And vamps *do* need blood, right? Including to the brain? So in that light, it wasn't a canonical mistake.
Possibly, although they don't have a heartbeat, so I'm unclear how the blood is reaching the brain. Apparently the guys at least can direct their blood flow otherwise, though, so I guess there's something going on. (Or maybe they just all know how to cast Raise Dead.)
So Steph, what you're saying is that in the hierarchy of who looks down on who (remember the chart?) BDSM > Buffy fans? :-)
(And where do the toy boat fetishists fit in?)
I know that small children can breath-hold until they pass out if they want to, so "doing it yourself" is not always key to safety!
I know that small children can breath-hold until they pass out if they want to, so "doing it yourself" is not always key to safety!
I got to work all early, and only then remembered that my early-bird boss and early-bird big boss are out at a thing. I should have gone to the drugstore!
Well, the good thing it that when you pass out, if you were holding your breath yourself, you start breathing again.
At what point the observing parent starts breathing again, I don't know.
(Note: my own kids have never done this to the point of passing out, but Peter did hold his breath until he turned blue at one point, and we freaked the fuck out.)
An explosion will be carried out on a World War II bomb
::goes to Danger UXB place and re-childhood crushes on Anthony Andrews::
We had no water again this morning. Something I found out after my 90 minute Bikram yoga class. I was all set to stay home from work, and took the dog to the park to run her around when my DH showed up to tell me that the water had come back and I could shower and still get to work.
At least it's only a 1/2 day today.
Timelies all!
Still a little sore today(and laughing at some of the previous discussion doesn't help) but feeling better. Monday I should be back at work.
That wasn't very nice of DH.
What are people's weekend plans?
I'm going to Seattle. I suspect there may be cupcakes and flailing and possibly some squeeing. Plus brunch.
I'm going to Seattle. I suspect there may be cupcakes and flailing and possibly some squeeing. Plus brunch.
We have neighbors coming to dinner tomorrow night. Other than that, no firm plans. It's going to be 90+ degrees here with a disgusting amount of humidity, so I wanted to reserve the right to hide in the air conditioning.