Dad is out of surgery, according to my mom, "just fine." That's one hurdle done.
Tomorrow the teacher's union is promoting a walkout. I'm sort of a sub, but still a union member and, most importantly, I'm returning here next year. What would you all do? Walkout?
Kat, that's good news. My father was up and walking around within 24 hours after his quadruple bypass surgery, so it's a good bet that you'll be able to talk to him soon.
As for the walkout, I'd probably do what the other union members at the school do.
Kat, that's very good to read.
good news Kat!
Except she also got a cut over her right eye somehow and it's swollen. So she sort of looks like she got into a bar fight in Honolulu.
yay auntie shrift!
there was more, but today ate it.
ps - thank you Bonnie - good tip! luckily, it moved on its own.
Glad to hear your news Kat.
Help me out here, hivemind -- has anyone heard anything about Obama supporting "Muslim schools" which is NOT about his primary school in Indonesia? One of my coworkers thinks this (to which I replied, "Well, we have Jewish schools and Christian schools, so...") but it's proving impossible to Google.
I've been following Obama pretty closely but haven't read anything like this. Do you mean whether he supports Muslim schools in American, like the Khalil Gibran International Academy in NY? There's no connection that I've seen.
Do you mean whether he supports Muslim schools in American, like the Khalil Gibran International Academy in NY?
I think that's what she was saying. Well, if I brought back proof to the contrary she'd probably think I was crazy anyway. And she did acknowledge that we do have religious schools in this country already. It's just bizarre how these things spread.
Well, after a full day of cleaning, my room actually looks more messy than it did when I came in, so I think it's time to head home. Especially since I'll be back here in under 3 hours for senior night. I'll have to finish it all tomorrow, I guess. Good night, y'all!
Do you mean whether he supports Muslim schools in American, like the Khalil Gibran International Academy in NY? There's no connection that I've seen.
Although he has repeatedly stated that he's Christian, never forget that a new religion is just a few words away!