I had an earthquake too!! It was SCARY! For me. Cause I had never had one. And half of us in the room (on the third floor) were like "Um, eep! Earthquake! What do we do!" and the rest of the people were Californians and all still sitting down going "oh please...[um, wait...still going....kinda big...um...we should...oh, ok, it's over. Whew. Didn't lose my cool. I'm still lookin' smooth.] CHILL, East Coasters!"
Then we decided that meant it was time for lunch.
Also, apparently the company I work for is hiring ALL the lesbians. Not only was the woman I worked with last week gay, the woman who is training with us this week, who turns out to live all of a mile away from me? Gay gay gay. Hah!
but the closer they are to real,the more that feels missing from a play. I really find it hard to read most plays.
Wow. That's very interesting.
I lovelovelovelove Neil LaBute's
Latterday Plays (Iphigenia In Orem, A Gaggle of Saints
Medea Redux,
iirc). And I'm very fond of Patrick Marber. Love Mamet's ear for dialogue, but quite often want to smack him in the face with a heavy object. (Although I just read
Duck Variations
and found that very likeable.)
I remembered our new security system is operational moments after I tried to beat a stapler into submission. I hope there's no camera in this office. Stapler assault is a misdemeanor, right?
Stapler assault is a misdemeanor, right?
Laga, girl, you don't want that rap on you. Do you know what they do to staple-offenders in prison? Run. Run while you still can.
I checked the monitors- it looks like there's no camera in here. And the stapler will keep his trap shut if he knows what's good for him.
If all else fails, you were here with me and the cats, playing canasta.
Oooo...canasta! I haven't played that in ages.
I've never played it. That's why the cats won. Right, Laga?
I'm loving the theater discussion - I've got a pretty good background in Shakespear and classical Greek drama, but not a lot else, although I've read plays by Durrenmat, Lorca, Barrie.
And the woman whining about having to buy her kids real shoes ... sigh ... makes me sad but doesn't surprise me. A while ago a woman who worked here (but doesn't any longer) spent a lot of time and effort getting her son into a school with a strict dress code. Then, in his first week, spent three days on the phone telling them they should relax the dress code for him. The issues were tucking in his shirt (he's a "portly young man" and it embarrassed him) and having to wear black dress shoes (not sneakers/athletic shoes). I think she lost the argument, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
And meara's new company - Lesbians R Us?