I am back. Pretty much.
The Semester That Ate My Brain is over
*weak yay!*
We interrupt this post for a brief earthquake. So Cal is so cool.
Slacker!Co-Worker is back from extended sick time/disability/back problems, etc.
And I miss you guys, so now that my biggest timesucks are over, I declare myself returned (tentatively).
So, how's everyone?
Places chin in hands, ready to listen attentively.
In the spa room.
Your perks are not like my human perks.
With alcohol.
Nope. Not at all like.
Vortex - speaking as someone who is a hardcore procrastinator, hit 'em where they live. Otherwise they'll end up like me.
Okay, I'm officially an Angelino. That was a scary quake, though thankfully it was short.
My school system was a little different. 8th grade got Midsummer Night's Dream (which I didn't read, because we moved into that district after I finished 8th grade), freshman got Merchant of Venice, sophomores got Julius Caesar.
For junior and senior years, we had to take four one-semester courses, with at least one each in literature, writing, and speaking. My sophomore English teacher warned us away from English Lit, so I took World Lit. So, no Shakespeare for me then.
Hope everyone is OK after the earthquake.
That was a scary quake, though thankfully it was short.
From San Diego it was just a kinda fun quake, but I thought it felt pretty long. Anyway, congrats on your official initiation!
Call me a heathen, especially since I work in theatre, but I think Shakespeare is overtaught. There are so many other valuable works of drama that are left out of curriculum to put in more Shakespeare. I know I'll be in a minority with this though.
Call me a heathen,
with pleasure. You are a heathen.
There are so many other valuable works of drama that are left out of curriculum to put in more Shakespeare. I know I'll be in a minority with this though.
I totally understand where you are coming from with this. And, to a degree, I agree with you.
Nobody ever got fired for buying Shakespeare.