Omnis, this is the highest level we go for this age group. Next year our team is 12 and would have the chance to go all the way to the Little League World Series.
WOW! I mean. I dunno what else to say. WOW! That is awesome! What are the odds of getting the same team back next year?
Wow! That is great. Awe! Congrats to EVERYONE, kids, parents, coaches, and the like.
:: O_A wonders if he'll be watching LLWS next year on ESPN ::
Go Team Emmett!
Sox, all sorts of good travel vibes.
This video might amuse those of us who enjoy the steampunk aesthetic (and excessive cartoon violence): [link]
Go, Emmett! How fabulous!
As promised, new hair pictures (and [cheese]cake)! [link]
:: O_A wonders if he'll be watching LLWS next year on ESPN ::
Wouldn't that be awesome!
Gronklies all. In the Charlotte airport waiting for my connecting flight to SF. The little gate dude just made the most amazing announcement.
"It's a five hour flight to San Francisco. We do have a limited meal service on the flight, limited in that we only have a limited number of meals, so it's kind of first come, first served. So, if you think you might get hungry in the next five hours, you might want to think about going to one of the many food places in the terminal and bringing your own food onto the plane."
At the moment, probably because I'm very caffeinated, I'm more amused than appalled, although frankly, I'm amazed they haven't assessed a surcharge for bringing your own food onto the plane. @@
Ridonkulously expensive, yes, but when I saw it, I immediately thought of her. So freakin' beautiful.
Heh, I've been meaning to report on this since it occured on friday, but I didn't, and now Tom has done a funny writeup of Taz's latest adventures (which he sucked us into!)