cereal to add: my vehemence may indicate one reason I am not inclined toward having babies, as I know that private bathroom time tends to be rare.
Eh, you can train the kids to eventually leave you alone. The dogs, on the other hand seem to view bathroom time as a spectator sport.
My mom and I will leave the bathroom door open and talk to each other when I'm over there. Not in the bathroom together, but so we can hear and carry on a conversation.
We change in front of each other too.
The dogs, on the other hand seem to view bathroom time as a spectator sport.
I am having a pajama day. This means couch, pjs, Law & Order (and Criminal Intent) on the TiVo. Tom was brewing today so I was free to lounge.
cats too. No matter who I cat-sit for, they always nose in and are like "oh, whatcha doing".
Both my father and brother fessed up to me a long time ago, on the phone, the main reason they got cordless phones in the home is so they can pee while chatting. Sounds crazy until you look at the phone bills in this family. 2 hour phone conversations not uncommon. Nature calls. My sister has done it too. Totally busted her on it. Doesn't take much for the sound guy to tell the acoustic change on the other side of the horn.
omnis, I am, as I said in Natter...
oops. Sorry, I don't read Natter. I have enough time for either Bitches or Natter, but both, nsm.
Beach Volleyball is on HD NBC. They are playing in my former home city. Surreal, I dunnno why. As a guy, I love the outfits, but... they are a bit skimpy. Clearly getting us men to watch for pervy reasons. I guess it keeps the ad folks happy. I wonder how the athletes feel about them?
The dogs, on the other hand seem to view bathroom time as a spectator sport.
The cat does not seem to understand that certain occasions are NOT "lap time."
DC next year and we could go be museum geeks
I live 6 blocks away. Shout at me too!
The dogs, on the other hand seem to view bathroom time as a spectator sport.
Bartleby is not a lap dog, but in the bathroom? He seems to have an irresistible need to put his paws on my knees and look me in the eye. Like he's inquiring after my health or something. Odd. Maybe he was a gastro-enterologist in a previous life.
Changing in front of each other is nothing I have a problem with at all. I think that's different than bathroom stuff.
The cat does not seem to understand that certain occasions are NOT "lap time."
This is very true with Ozzie as well, but I've figured out a sure fire way to distract him-- throw a tampon (preferably ob, since they roll better) for him to chase.
This is very true with Ozzie as well, but I've figured out a sure fire way to distract him-- throw a tampon (preferably ob, since they roll better) for him to chase.
I am now snorting Diet Coke up my nose at the imagery.
Sometimes when I am on the phone with my sister and I REALLY have to go I'll take the phone into the bathroom at home.
I'm really glad my family respect the bathroom as private time: Otherwise I would never be able to get off the phone with my mother sometimes.