Thanks for all the fist waving and empathy about Friday's Horiible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. The car is not fixed and won't be for awhile - huge electrical problem that could cost nearish $1000. In the meantime, we're just pulling the negative connector off the battery everytime we park the car so the shorts don't drain the battery. At least it's nothing mechanical.
I took out a lot of frustration on painting in the new house yesterday. Next weeks Painting Party is going to be awesome. Speciall since the wall painting is mostly done.
Today, Em and I are going to the water park for a few hours. Hopefully, this will put me in a better mood.
I know I skipped and skimmed, and I'm heavily drugged-up right now (more on that in a minute), but I'm usually good at sussing out what acronyms mean -- even Buffista-invented acronyms -- but I'm at a loss for MABSofUSBE, so I'm just pronouncing it phonetically and giggling. Which could also have to do with the drugs.
As for why I'm drugged up -- I did something Very Bad to my back, and it's in serious, lay-me-out-flat pain. I don't remember doing anything that made me go -- at the time -- "Oh crap, my back!" You know, like if I picked up a cow or something.
(Oh crap. Typing that just reminded me that I picked up a computer last week and brought it home. Not my laptop; a desktop. But when I picked it up, nothing hurt at the time, or I would have put it down. Shiiiiit.)
Anyway. Out of all the drugs I have in this house, the one I don't have is muscle relaxants, which is what would help the most. Instead, I'm taking leftover narcotics and lying on a heating pad. Neither of which are helping much. Or at all. And I'm being really stubborn and not calling my doctor's office because I *just* went to the doctor on Friday for my wrist, but my back didn't hurt then, and I don't want to get labelled a hypochondriac. If I can just wait until tomorrow morning, I can call and beg for him to call in an Rx for flexoril.
Anyway, the narcotics have made me all loopy. It's weird.
How do y'all trim the coochie area? I use little scissors and it is indeed an annoying and arduous process.
How do y'all trim the coochie area? I use little scissors and it is indeed an annoying and arduous process.
Almost all the razor companies make the female equivalent of beard trimmers, Nora. They're narrow and curved and can be adjusted to leave behind whatever length you desire. I think the one I have is a Remington.
MABSofUSBE= Most Adorable Brit Spouse of a USian Buffista Evar.
The context can be found in JZ's post here.
ooh, thanks Barb!
I also use little scissors for coochie coiffure.
as mentioned, beard trimmer. Yee gads! I wouldn't trust myself with scissors down there! I can't contort enough to see. Would hate to make a bad snip. {{shudders}}
I use small scissors, but now that I know there is an alternative...
Pubic hair: Like anything else, I think it should be clean, well-groomed, and in a style that suits the wearer.
To trim, I shudder at the thought of an electric trimmer, and prefer small scissors and then the finesse of the razors that are for trimming eyebrows, but are shaped like little rakes.
I remember a "Get offa my lawn" moment when I saw stencils for pubic hair shapes at Wal-Mart.
Definitely the beard trimmer and one of those little eyebrow trimmer things for um tighter spots.
I'm amused this conversation has lasted this long and I'm jealous of the people with such little hair to deal with. I have very dark hair and very pale skin.