Pubic hair: Like anything else, I think it should be clean, well-groomed, and in a style that suits the wearer.
To trim, I shudder at the thought of an electric trimmer, and prefer small scissors and then the finesse of the razors that are for trimming eyebrows, but are shaped like little rakes.
I remember a "Get offa my lawn" moment when I saw stencils for pubic hair shapes at Wal-Mart.
Definitely the beard trimmer and one of those little eyebrow trimmer things for um tighter spots.
I'm amused this conversation has lasted this long and I'm jealous of the people with such little hair to deal with. I have very dark hair and very pale skin.
I'm jealous of the people with such little hair to deal with.
I admit I was really ignorant about such things before this conversation. I guess I assumed that other women had the same amount of hair as me. Maybe I need to look at more 1970s porn to get a sense of proportion.
I used to use scissors and a comb. The comb held the hair up for trimming and also acted as a skin guard.
I too am feeling newly educated about the possibilities (stencils?!?) but will store my new knowledge until later.
Aims I hope the water park is most excellent fun. Seekrit note to miracle-car : be nice to the peoples and no more problems ok?
We are on the road (in heavy turnpike traffic actually) for JFK. Kermit waves to everyone!
I guess I assumed that other women had the same amount of hair as me.
OMG!!! My mother and sister had this habit of having conversations while they sat on the toilet. I guess that's how they spent quality time together. So each of them was always like "Come in and tell me about your day!"
I lived in fear I'd inheirited the pelt that side of the family had. Navel to knees. You could probably corn row it and put beads in.
I neither have the hair nor the penchant for holding family meetings in the bathroom, thankfully.
I have to say, shaving, trimming, not; very hairy, not so hairy; all differences I'm fine with.
But calling people into the bathroom for a chat? EEEEEWWWWW!
But calling people into the bathroom for a chat? EEEEEWWWWW!
A dear friend of mine writes the most amazing books (Eileen Rendahl, for those what's interested) says that there's nothing more disconcerting than having her 80 year old mother call her into the bathroom for the family meetings. She says it's a Jewish thing, but I dunno-- my mom used to try to have family meetings in the bathroom until I finally locked the door when I was about ten or so.
Eileen also has to help her mother with bra fittings at the departments stores, which is a whole other load of material for her therapist, she says.
But then she told me about an experience that trumped all-- she'd just finished working out in the gym and went to the shower, communal, natch, because this is just a YMCA. And a couple of showers down, there's a woman who she recognizes from the local PTO, who starts talking to her about the latest meeting and happenings at the school, all while soaping up her pubes. As Eileen put it, "It was the most surreal conversation I've ever had, discussing school referendums while she's just standing there, soaping up her cooch without benefit of a washcloth or anything."
well...this has been an interesting read. though after the Thorpey pics, i mostly am stuck saying "mmmm....". i'm so going to miss him not being in this year's Olympics.
As Eileen put it, "It was the most surreal conversation I've ever had, discussing school referendums while she's just standing there, soaping up her cooch without benefit of a washcloth or anything."
Now that's way too damn much information.