for some women waxing might actually be a time saver.
::raises hand::
This is me. Not just a time saver, but also a skin saver in the case of my thighs, since the hair grows in multiple directions. There's never getting them completely smooth if I shave, not to mention the ingrown hair issue is multiplied greatly by the wacko hair growth patterns.
I am super lucky; I'm pretty hairless. I only have to shave to midcalf, and never have to trim. I wouldn't have to shave my pits, except I have about 12 hairs under each arm and if I don't shave, they get so long it looks like I have little antennae.
I get my brows waxed every 5 weeks, tho. Can't stand to tweeze.
Ugh. The expectation that some people have that women should have a hairless cooter is appalling. Really? You WANT me to look like a 10-year-old girl?
No fucking way, man. I'm a 37-year-old woman, and I don't intend to ever even come near the appearance of preadolescent hairlessness.
I understand that many (?) of the men who say they prefer their woman have a hairless beaver aren't trying to live out some pedophilic fantasy, but, as the theoretical hairless one, I would be constantly aware of it, and there's no amount of therapy or drugs in the world that would fix that trauma for me.
Plus, regrowth? Uh, NO.
(And then when I read discussions like this, I wonder -- just how much goddamn hair does the average unshaven cooter have? Because I never shave my bits, and yet the hair is pretty limited.)
(Also again? Being expected to shave my bits falls into the same category of Things Teppy Objects To Being Told To Change About Her Apperarance. You know? It's my goddamn pubic hair, and it's staying where it is.)
I *did* have the conversation once with The Boy about this:
Me: "I hope you're okay with the fact that I will NEVER shave my hoo-hoo."
Him: "As long as you're okay with the fact that I *will* shave mine."
Me: "Hey, they're your bits, man."
Him: "...'hoo-hoo'?"
And finally, I did get a leg wax (not even bikini line; just leg) before vacation. It was my first wax ever, and it hurt only slightly less than getting a tattoo. It was totally convenient, but I don't know that I'll keep doing it. Because (1) OMFG -- PAIN [not the good kind, either], and (2) I don't know that I want to keep paying $50 to have hair yanked out by the roots every 5-6 weeks.
The great thing about waxing is that eventually, the regrowth keeps coming in thinner.
I actually think leg waxing is more painful than the brazilian because there is more acreage to do and it takes more time.
Teppy makes a great point about the expense. That's why I only do it for vacations and once in a special while.
The great thing about waxing is that eventually, the regrowth keeps coming in thinner.
That's what my waxer friend told me, but I don't know that I have the pain tolerance to get there.
I always take a heavy-duty painkiller. I'm pretty much stoned when I go in for a wax.
The only reason I care at all is just because I don't want to be choking on hair if I go down there. Same reason I return the favor (not that it's been much of an issue for a while).
"I hope you're okay with the fact that I will NEVER shave my hoo-hoo."
In romance writing, one of the things we say that the typical Mary Sue heroine must have is a glittery hoo-haw, because seriously, we can't figure any other way a guy would want such a TSTL character.
it hurt only slightly less than getting a tattoo.
Lower leg is going to hurt a lot more because the nerves are much closer to the skin-- there's less fat to provide a buffer, as it were. I can have my thighs and bikini line waxed for days and barely feel it. I've actually been known to doze off during waxings which mystifies them no end. However, I have to be seriously desperate to wax my lower legs because OMGWTFBBQ, the pain.
And yeah, the hair does grow back much thinner and finer.
(And then when I read discussions like this, I wonder -- just how much goddamn hair does the average unshaven cooter have? Because I never shave my bits, and yet the hair is pretty limited.)
A three of my gf's have serious hairy bits; like, growing down the thigh, up towards the navel. One waxes to landing strip, the others shave. In the summer, that is. In the winter, all just let it grow.