I talked to my mom today, mostly not about her health, though she mentioned that the doctor had told her the cancer was incurable (which we pretty much already knew, though it sounds like she might've reached a new place WRT accepting it?), and that he was doing some kind of genetic testing to see if a particular treatment that's oral rather than intravenous might be effective in slowing the cancer.
This was all pretty vague, but I got the sense she didn't want to talk about it. I was thinking of emailing Very Conservative Oldest Brother or my Aunt B for more details. (Aunt B is a retired nurse who takes Mom to many of her treatments.)
Anyway, Aunt B just emailed my brothers and me. She said Mom saw the doctor today and had been wanting to stop the chemo because it makes her so sick, but he told her that if she did, the tumors would start growing again immediately. The chance of her having the type of cancer that's genetically susceptible to the oral medication is 25%, but Aunt B thinks she'll stick with chemo even if she has to keep taking it through an IV. She also told my aunt that when she was getting ready to drive into one of the little towns nearby, she backed off the edge of the driveway and then her brakes didn't work. But somehow she managed to drive it all the way into town without brakes and got it to the shop, where it remains.
I don't know what to think of that, or even whether to believe it, mostly because the edge of the driveway isn't very steep, and I don't see how sliding off it could damage a car. And Mom didn't mention it to me. Aunt B sees it as evidence that Mom isn't making good decisions, and she's going to talk to VCOB about it, since he's the only one of the four of us who's local.