Hang in there, Drew. The day's gonna be awful but it will eventually end. (remembering this is how I get through wakes/viewings/memorial services because each minute feels like an eternity. But it WILL end.)
Hugs to you and yours. And of course continued ~ma.
Oh Erin, that's awesome!! Yay!!! So great!
That is a bad Monday, Drew. Peace to you and hours.
Handsome kid, connie.
Hec, Emmett's game sounds like it was quite a nail biter and the pictures of Matilda and Emmett are just so precious.
He scooped her up for the victory lap with the banner, so there will be pictures of her with the Sectional banner too.
Oops, forgot to mention I'm pleased that Erin is so happy with her new smile. (Though I always loved her old smile just fine.)
DJ - detox and pound is a double whammy of ugly.
Pound wound up being ok. Just really freaking frustrating. I couldn't get it because even though I usually drive it, my name isn't on the title. Mr. Jane had to get someone to cover him, then he went to the pound and they wouldn't take the insurance card because it's the new one (current is...in my car) and coverage on that card says it starts on, get this, July 22. Mr. Jane couldn't call me because our cells won't dial out right now, though that's beside the point as he left the damn thing in the truck (which I had). It finally got all straightened out and Mr. Jane sported the giant impound sticker on his chest the rest of the night.
Detox was way worse. We had to get him there by 8 so he could get one of the first available beds. Fill out paperwork, wait for an evaluation, then check him in. It took 3 hours or so. During that time you watch elderly mothers bringing in their sons. Guys who are so far gone they can't even dress themselves. People telling the admittance lady that it's their third time. Everybody giving each other tips on where to go if they run out of beds at this center, or whether to do inpatient or just the detox. We were there so long that G, my friend, started getting the shakes. I had to stay with him until they actually admitted him or he might have just left.
Ugh, DJ.
Hey, Aims, had you caught the name of Christian Bale's daughter? [link]
I had not!! That is teh awesome!!
t preens
Funny TDK moment: Joe and I are driving to the theater. He has his fingers in his ears singing the movie theme song at the top of voice. Why? To drown out my singing "santa Fe" from
at the top of mine.
Daisy Jane, I'm sorry the rehab intake experience was so rough. Much ~ma for your friend.
I'm HOME! OMG, I'm HOME! Of course, I have to leave again in twenty minutes, but it's to go pick up the puppies, who I have missed like WHOA and DAMN.
The cat stared at us as we trooped in, sauntered over to say hello, meowed piteously in that "You left me alone with only one human for ten days. Bastards." Purred ecstatically, then proceeded to ignore us, purring mightily the entire time.
Have I mentioned how happy I am to be back in the land of perpetual air-conditioning? And how happy I am to be going to SF next week where I don't have to worry about sweltering to death? And seeing peoples!
YAY Erin on pretty new smile. I need to have mine worked on a bit-- enamel's wearing off from the years of braces back in the day.
{{{Drew & K}}} Hope you're making it through the day, loves.