And I though *I* once had a bad first day on the job:
My friend Jay (not the one you know) set the Dairy Queen on fire on his first day. Basically, he accidentally started a small grease fire. He threw some paper towels on it to try to smother it. The towels caught fire and then set a poster on the wall on fire. The fire alarm went off and everyone left the kitchen. He just walked outside, got into his car, and drove away. He never went back.
OMG! That's hysterical. I could totally see the Jay I know doing that. I wish it were him who the story was about. Hee. Then I could tease him about having worked at DQ.
(Also...paper towels? On a grease fire?? Dude. I know that maybe you think "OK, water isn't supposed to go on a grease fire", but...who thinks PAPER TOWELS go on a FIRE?!?) (Isn't it baking soda or something, on a grease fire? Or, um, FIRE EXTINGUISHER?)
Well, yes. When he would tell the story, he would say "so, then I tried to throw some paper towels on it to smother it. I know, I was 16, give me a break"
who thinks PAPER TOWELS go on a FIRE?!?
Maybe he was trying a homeopathic remedy?
Catching up:
Neither did the Girl--I showed it to her tonight!
There's a Girl? meara has a Girl??? That's AWESOME!
(Clearly I have skipped some somewhere).
Hah! Well, yes, there's a Girl, but she's only been around a few weeks, so it's early days yet, Sean, you haven't missed much. And I"m sharing her, so she's not only MY girl. Hmph. OTOH, given how little I'm in town, I suppose it's only fair. And it DOES mean that I get to still go flirt with hot roadtripping twins at Trivia Night. If I were only smoove enough to, like, make something OUT of that. Sigh....
In all fairness, I think that he wet them first.
So sorry for all the miserable things that have been hitting the Buffistas (I've been out of commission with a bad sinus infection and huge amounts of work for the past two weeks).
But so much has been going on!
Pretty hair, adorable sprog, cute kitties.
No news here, but I wanted to check in.
Except, for amusement's sake:
A while ago it was warm in the office, so I wanted to put on sandals. I had a pair tucked under my desk. It's a big desk, heavy, and they were in the far corner. I leaned over, but couldn't quite reach. I stretched, scooted to the edge of my chair, and stretched some more. The chair tipped over and I landed on the floor, under the desk, with the chair on top of me, upside down. I have limited space between the desk and thing behind it and the chair's large (poor planning, but I'm stuck). And I was stuck. Pinned in a small space under a large chair, with its wheels sticking in the air. Couldn't get the chair right side up at first. FINALLY managed to put the chair back, started to move out from under the desk and then - in a rare flash of intelligence - pulled the sandals out before I got back in the chair the right way. (I thought about calling for help, but there wasn't anyone around ... and honestly - I don't need to get a reputation for doing something that dumb.)
(Also...paper towels? On a grease fire?? Dude. I know that maybe you think "OK, water isn't supposed to go on a grease fire", but...who thinks PAPER TOWELS go on a FIRE?!?) (Isn't it baking soda or something, on a grease fire? Or, um, FIRE EXTINGUISHER?)
My sister's old roommate started a grease fire in the kitchen and despite being somewhat clueless, did have the presence of mind to remember not to douse it with water.
So he went with ice cubes instead.
It worked about as well as you're picturing.