Proof of how much I skip, skim, and generally just don't pay enough attention to What Really Matters In Life - I did not know of Dr Horrible's Sing A-long Blog until Just Now. Just Now!
Something that is *not* pitiful... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVELY JULIANA!!
I need to get access to a computer with sound so that I can watch Dr Horrible.
We're eating all the leftovers I brought home from Mom's yesterday and watching Project Runway and Dinner Impossible.
First world bitch ahead.
People, you own a multi-million dollar house, and you don't have freaking air conditioning? Are you nuts? I'm going to die of heat exhaustion babysitting your kid!
Yuck, vw. I hope they at least have some frozen treats.
Does bottled water count?
PEOPLE??? How am I supposed to stay entertained if you don't post for a whole HOUR!
Sorry, I would have contributed but, in a continuation of ex-boyfriend week, my crazy ex who lives across the pond decided to call after two years of not hearing from him. Apparently, he manages to continue to be completely deluded about his cheating history. Not only is he convinced he didn't cheat on his soon-to-be ex-wife, he now says he didn't cheat on me. I'm like, dude, I'm now friends with your STBX, and you cheated on me with her, do you not think we've talked about this and figured out the timeline? Plus, I was visiting you when all this hit the fan two years ago. I remember you admitting it!
I remember you admitting it!
(sung in the style of Ethel Merman)
There's no delusion
Like self delusion
Like no delusion I know....
Everything about is appealing
Everything your conscience will ignore
Nowhere could you have that sneaky feeling
When you aren't banging that extra whore....
I'm off for dinner, then to the airport for my federally mandated "get here two hours early, spend actually 15 minutes with the TSA" time. Though that's actually a function of how unexciting a travel city Salt Lake is. I'm grateful I'm going to stay on the far side of the barrier in New York.
So I'll see you all on Sunday, and anyone who says invisible friends aren't as good as meatspace friends is an idiot.