I'm off for dinner, then to the airport for my federally mandated "get here two hours early, spend actually 15 minutes with the TSA" time. Though that's actually a function of how unexciting a travel city Salt Lake is. I'm grateful I'm going to stay on the far side of the barrier in New York.
So I'll see you all on Sunday, and anyone who says invisible friends aren't as good as meatspace friends is an idiot.
(sung in the style of Ethel Merman)
Hah! Of course, it would be funnier if there weren't 6 kids involved in their sordid little swapping story.
OK, hair pictures! Heh, the hair straightening she employed at the salon did NOT hold up to the heat and humidity and sweat. My natural kinks, flips, and cowlicks came back quickly... was hoping for longer glam time, but I still like it...
Other side (and big grin)
Why the cat try to run away??
For comparison, here's my hair last weekend
In happier news, off to see Eddie Izzard. Woot!
Great cut, Nora! Way cute!