I don't think I've ever told a man I was involved with that I thought he should change his appearance.
I have? In fact, I believe I told Paul he is never allowed to shave his beard off again, because it makes him look like Peter Lorre, and that shit just ain't right.
And, see, once again I prove that I am a RAGING ASSHOLE.
I've told Stephen about a billion times that he shaves off his beard and mustache over my dead body.
Sorry again.
I'm not trying to be a dick (well, I don't *have* to try, since I *am* one so effortlessly); I just have issues which I will try to shut the fuck up about since everyone can already recite my issues and the medications that I have taken for them.
I'm growing it out because Joe said that he really liked my hair long, way back when. But I think the difference there is that if I were to chop it all off, he'd still think I was hot and try to jump me just as much as if I had extensions put in that reached my ass.
t not shutting the fuck up, because (see above) I am a dick
You know something? I think I'd be okay less upset when a man tells me what change I should make to my appearance to be considered attractive *if* it were ever delivered in a manner that didn't make me think that I'm still attractive not actively repulsive if I *didn't* make the recommended change.
It's like -- I already *know* in what ways I'm not attractive; it just kills something inside me when people tell me what *else* is apparently not attractive enough. This is all I have to work with, you know?
In matters not pertaining to me being a dick:
Happy Birthday juliana!!!!!
not shutting the fuck up, because (see above) I am a dick
I'd try and roll my eyes at you, but you are making me smile too much. Watch what you say about my friend Teppy, or I'll start telling you how to dress/post/vote.
lost my quotey thing
I'll start telling you how to dress/post/vote.
It's only the appearance-related issues that slide past my defenses, because my appearance has always been disapproved of.
Posting/voting/any brain-related activity -- I'm impervious to insults. Any time someone calls me stupid, or insinuates something similar, all I can do is laugh. Because, SRSLY? The one thing I am *not* is stupid.
But suggest that I'd look better if only my hair were 1/4 inch longer and perhaps just a touch blonder, and it's padded-cell time.
(I apologize to The Boy ALL THE TIME for being such a freak about this. I am dating the most patient man on the face of the planet.)
Somewhat related:
Aims and I are currently planning on dressing as the Joker and Harley Quinn for Halloween. (Yes, I will be the Joker. I don't have the legs for Harley.) Which means I will have to/get to shave off my moustache and goatee.
I'm perversely looking forward to it. I haven't shaved those off in...eleven years? Twelve?
I'm wondering who's under there.
Joe, which iteration of the Joker? You have a lot of variations to choose from.
Which means I will have to/get to shave off my moustache and goatee.
I have a friend who shaved his head just to be Uncle Fester for Halloween one year. His wife (who was not any Addams Family-related character for Halloween) was less than enthused, but reasoned that his hair grows fast and "I can just make him wear a ski hat until it grows back -- that way it almost looks like hair!".
I frequently nag DH about shaving, because he thinks it's okay to shave once a week and walks around looking like a hobo. (Right now even moreso since he's decided to grow his beard out again, and it's at that scraggly in-between stage where it's not quite stubble anymore but definitely not a beard yet. Thank goodness we're going on vacation and don't have to be around civilized people for the next 2 weeks.)
Joe, which iteration of the Joker? You have a lot of variations to choose from.
Not sure. Either
The Killing Joke
The Dark Knight
(the upcoming movie), but I'm going to wait and see TDK before deciding.