I had some really bad short haircuts as a kid. So I kept my hair long for quite a while-- I look younger with shorter hair. And at the moment -- the grey 'roots' ar eover 2 inches long
Trying to decide if I will dye it, or leave it alone, or go to someone for low lights ,or have my regular hair dresser come here and dye it. I don't really enjoy the process of dying very much
My mom told me that a short haircut combined with my round physique would make me look like a pinhead. (And she wasn't even a Ramones fan.) Eventually I got a chic, sassy, short bob, and tons of complements. So naturally mom denied ever suggesting such a possibility as pinhead-dom.
For a lot of women I see on WNTW, long hair seems to equate with "youth." They think cutting it will consign them to matronliness or something. Silly Ladies, don't you know that Nick Arrojo AKA Mr. AWESOME IRISH GENIUS CUTIEHEAD will use his magic skills to make you look amazing?
Part of the WNTW concept is to make a drastic change, too. If they came all that way and didn't get a good hair cut, the whole premise would fail and Clinton and Stacy would be out of jobs.
Nick tries to convince them to do what would look best on them. It is true, though, that if they are strongly committed to keeping their hair he will keep it below the shoulder and chop off all the ratty garbage. I think there was 1 time, though, that she would not let him cut her hair, not even a trim. He wasn't happy but he did it. (that hair would have looked so much better if she had trimmed even 4-5 inches)
Now I'm reminded of that woman from
The Real Housewives of Orange County
Shear Genius
whose hair looked so awful and refused to let her person (on
Shear Genius
no less) cut anything.
In non-hair news - remember me being freaked about friending some old high-school friends? My ex-best friend just friended me. She was my Maid of Honor and then dropped me as a friend like a hot potato about 12 years ago. Through mutual friends I've had updates on her life, but I've stayed away (who wants to get burned twice). We will see what happens - I have the aloe ready.
I blame all the shampoo commercials where they've got these women flinging their long, glossy manes back and forth. The short-haired women always strike me as some sort of "sporty" token.
I need to be packing to go to Tallahassee tomorrow.
This is much more fun.