Bah- it's the Monday after a weird weekend with my family and Tom had an interview this morning and he doesn't think he did very well and it's just a yucky Monday. On the plus side, it was a lovely weekend for the beach (which is where we were) and I have been validated that I really, really don't want to have kids. I've known that for a while but have spent the past year or so challenging that for the sake of completion/fairness/emotional honesty, and yeah. No kids for me.
I hope Tom did better on his interview than he thinks he did. I just want to go home and be home. The house is a mess, I would like to clean it or have it magically cleaned.
OMG, the whining! I sound like my 3 year old niece.
Ack! Wow, megan. That seems a tad quick. How are you feeling about it?
Interview ~ma (after the fact) for TomW!
I have been validated that I really, really don't want to have kids.
::teaches Nora the secret handshake::
Want snuggles in that corner, smonster?
I included a link (I didn't paste the actual quote into the body of the e-mail) to the account of McCain calling his wife a cunt, and said "I prefer to have a president in office who respects his wife."
Steph, you might enjoy the comic book that my friend is putting together in response to a relative's support of McCain. Scary stuff!
I'm busy procrastinating, but there's nothing good to procrastinate with. I might be forced to like, CLEAN or something. WTF, bitches???
Excellent. smonster snuggles are some of the best snuggles ever.
Hey, sug. Work blechhies.