My Cabbage Patch had brown eyes and dark enough brown hair that I always thought we matched.
I BEGGED for African American Cabbage Patch TWINS for Christmas one year. My parents had EVERYONE on watch for them. Apparently, my grandparents ended up finding them. Insanity. Boy has the Internet made things like that easier!
I think my mother had trouble finding Cabbage Patch kids at all the year I wanted one. They sold out like crazy. I had two. One had dark mustard colored hair and I think brown eyes and the other was a preemie with a little tuft of light blonde hair and I don't remember what color eyes.
My mom worked in the toy department at KMart during the CPK Christmases. She's the reason the kids on my dad's side of the family had them. I had a regular, a preemie, and koosa. I say had because even though they are still in existence, they are now property of The Emeline. Em got a green eyes, dark brown braids CPK that shares her birthday. My grandmother had the Scottish one. I wonder if I can find one again?
Mom and Dad still have an un-opened Cabbage Patch doll from that year. They keep moving it...I don't know why they haven't gotten rid of it. But, anyways, they bought it just in case no one found the African American twins for me.
I just remembered I also had a cornsilk kid with bright red hair. I don't remember her eyecolor either.
You still have the twins?
You still have the twins?
Hell, yeah! Though, they're in a box in my parents basement...along with their high chairs and all their clothes. I went nuts over those dolls. I think I had a preemie too, but I can't be sure.
See, we pretty much missed the Cabbage Patch Kids phenomenon in the UK. I remember it was on the news, though - we saw footage of piranha-like feeding frenzies of US shoppers mobbing toystores. It was all a bit jaw-dropping. (And, I have to admit - I always thought they were
Did you really have adoption papers with them?
for stray punctuation.
Did you really have adoption papers with them?
Yes, that you could send back and get I think a new birth certificate for the baby. You could also change the baby's name if you wished to.
Did you really have adoption papers with them?
Oh yeah. My mom has all my new birth certificates from my three. I have the one we need to send in for Emeline's, but I'm waiting to see if Em wasnts to chage her doll's name. Right now, the doll is named Athena RoseMarie.