Hey, MM, speaking of your feed, can you set it so that it shows the full cartoon rather than just linking to it? I've been meaning to pimp it, and I'm sure people would be happy to have it show up in their friends pages directly.
(this would be something to do with the feed settings for your blog and/or the webcomics plugin you're using, and I'm afraid I can't help directly but someone in tech may be able to)
can you set it so that it shows the full cartoon rather than just linking to it?
Yes, please! Right now the comic is under the jump and doesn't show up in Google Reader unless I click on it. (Which, you know, I do, but I'd rather I didn't have to, since the whole reason I have Google Reader is so I can be as lazy as is humanly possible.)
(But doesn't clicking on the jump end up giving MM a more accurate number of who's looking at the cartoon?)
I r doofus. I was v. smart about a month ago when I made my 2 lab appts on the same day since both appts are in a town 35 miles away. Then, I left home this morning w/o the dr's orders. 1st appt, no biggie, I can fax it to them later. 2nd appt, I know will NOT let me in w/o them. So, in between, I quickly head home, grab orders, and now am headed off again.
I hate it when my own stupidity gets in my way.
Hey, MM, speaking of your feed, can you set it so that it shows the full cartoon rather than just linking to it?
Ummmm...sure? I think? Maybe?
t since monolith come nothing make sense. monkey monkey
Hell, I don't know.
We'll all tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell....
Happy birthday, Sox!
Good luck, Sail!
We'll all tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell....
Turn two and the rest are food.
ION, HMOG is today a nice day comapred to the last several days of soul-sucking heat and humidity - low 80s and bone dry. I figure if there is a Hell, it will be humid as well as hot.
Felicitations, Sox! Candles! Cake! Confetti! and more cake. Sparklers!
I opted to NOT set up a Voudoun altar and chant, as I'm on thin ice anyway
Aw, man. Now I'm disappointed. I think you should do a different thing every day. Buddhist, Shinto incense, Hindu, High Anglican, Spirit Walking, Maypole.Educational and fun!
Crossables crossed, Sail.
I am so hungry. There are two problems with this:
1. Cleaning woman is here so I'm stuck in the office until she's done.
2. There is no food in the house.
ION, Momo is sleeping on the desk with her head resting on my keyboard. Why are kittens teh cyutest????