I think I might paint the living room. I have lived here for 6 years; I'm not so worried about the security deposit.
I've never done this before. Anyone have any tips? Like, do I have to spackle or grout or whatev the nail holes in the wall when as soon as the paint dries, I will be putting the nails right back in? Should I wash the walls first or just kinda dust 'em? What kind of paint do I need -- or should I stay far, far away from?
I'm kind of excited! I think I can do my LR for under $40, if I use an old sheet as a drop cloth. I'm thinking...blue. Yeah, some shade of blue.
French, boudoir blue. With a creamy colored trim. Kinda like a good La Perla bra.
skipping ahead to ask - what is the procedure for getting nail polish out of clothing? Apparently, simply dabbing at it with nail polish remover does not do the trick.
She's all prehistoric-looking and shit -- and she might destroy Tokyo if you kiss her little lizard head.
(looks east and waves at Meara)
this is how she slept every night
I never thought I'd utter these words but, that is an adorable sleeping giant lizard.
ETA the sleeping part because if it were awake? I'd be staying the hell back!
French, boudoir blue. With a creamy colored trim. Kinda like a good La Perla bra.
Oooh, Erin, that sounds pretty.
If you're putting the nails back exactly where they were, I'd say skip spackling. And if you get one of the plastic edgers with the square sponge applicator for edging, you can maybe skip taping if you're careful.
Are you a smoker? I can't remember. You might want to sponge the walls lightly and let them dry well before painting, if you are.
I'd go for a satin finish, if I were you.
so, for the party that got much bigger than it was supposed to be, I decided to do desserts. I've done chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cupcakes, and strawberries and cream. I'm thinking that I should do one more thing. Should it be a mini lime tart, lemon bars, or mini cheesecakes.
Lemon bars, and I'll send you my address. My current one. So you have to send them fast.
Lime tart! Mmmm.
Satin finish, pretty -- goes with my theme. And I AM a smoker -- damn. I wanted to avoid washing the walls. I will tape though; I painted a wall at school, and I am simply too messy.
I think I will do this after my next paycheck.