I wish she was doing punctuation separately but everybody gets a word and some people get a word plus punctuation.
I've wanted a tattoo for so long but I could never decide what to get. This way someone chooses for me, and I get to be part of a work of art. Plus Courier, my favorite font in the whole world, is allowable. Of course I can tell you guys my word because it'd be tattooed on me.
...but yeah I think only words are allowed to know the whole story.
there's a map where you can see where all the words are so far. Someone in Naperville Il got
hmm. From the status of the project it looks like she's going to run out of words before she runs out of volunteers.
Take good care of yourself, Fay.
Burrell, they're gorgeous! Go Franny with the big recital - you guys look like you're having a lot of fun.
Fay & Teppy, I hope tomorrow brings happy tummies.
no news on the friend's baby, which I hope is a good thing. Thank you everyone for the good wishes. It means a lot, in the general scheme of things.
I relayed fathers' day wishes to dh, with cards and a NYTimes Sunday edition, then I cut the grass for him (he hates cutting the grass with the push mower. Me? Turns out I love it and can barely contain the wish to shout "off with their heads!" We'll see if it lasts of course.). We went to see the last community theater installment - Plaza Suite - and it was quite good. Small casts are a specialty, anything large (The Visit, for instance) and I think people's spouses get pulled in and spend the entire run doing vodka shooters backstage. Then we had dinner w/DH, Iris, and my parents.
And then Iris and I sang happy birthday to my sister on Skype (thanks again ita) - which brought us this pearl of wisdom (please to keep in mind that she's an engineer, so I guess this makes sense to her), when we were talking about what time it was:
"It's eight hours earlier, one day later."
I just kind of boggled.
"It's eight hours earlier, one day later."
Makes sense to me. Better than trying to calculate "it's sixteen hours later"
But then my mind works like that.
I must step away from the diabetic cat boards. I feel fairly serene -- still don't actually know how things are going to go. And I really need answers to practical questions that I can only get if I can get the vet to understand why I am asking the questions. I do not plan on being late --- but any info on all what if situations make me feel like I have control( oh what lies we tell ourselves)
Makes sense to me. Better than trying to calculate "it's sixteen hours later"
But then my mind works like that.
my mind sort of does, but then it gets all dazzled by the idea that it's both earlier and later and just sort of wanders off whistling to itself.