Burrell, they're gorgeous! Go Franny with the big recital - you guys look like you're having a lot of fun.
Fay & Teppy, I hope tomorrow brings happy tummies.
no news on the friend's baby, which I hope is a good thing. Thank you everyone for the good wishes. It means a lot, in the general scheme of things.
I relayed fathers' day wishes to dh, with cards and a NYTimes Sunday edition, then I cut the grass for him (he hates cutting the grass with the push mower. Me? Turns out I love it and can barely contain the wish to shout "off with their heads!" We'll see if it lasts of course.). We went to see the last community theater installment - Plaza Suite - and it was quite good. Small casts are a specialty, anything large (The Visit, for instance) and I think people's spouses get pulled in and spend the entire run doing vodka shooters backstage. Then we had dinner w/DH, Iris, and my parents.
And then Iris and I sang happy birthday to my sister on Skype (thanks again ita) - which brought us this pearl of wisdom (please to keep in mind that she's an engineer, so I guess this makes sense to her), when we were talking about what time it was:
"It's eight hours earlier, one day later."
I just kind of boggled.
"It's eight hours earlier, one day later."
Makes sense to me. Better than trying to calculate "it's sixteen hours later"
But then my mind works like that.
I must step away from the diabetic cat boards. I feel fairly serene -- still don't actually know how things are going to go. And I really need answers to practical questions that I can only get if I can get the vet to understand why I am asking the questions. I do not plan on being late --- but any info on all what if situations make me feel like I have control( oh what lies we tell ourselves)
Makes sense to me. Better than trying to calculate "it's sixteen hours later"
But then my mind works like that.
my mind sort of does, but then it gets all dazzled by the idea that it's both earlier and later and just sort of wanders off whistling to itself.
I have not done enough today. Ugg. Too many drives to wipe. What was I thinking buying so many!?!
omnis, somehow I skimmed that as saying you had bought too many Uggs. And I immediately realized I MUST have read that wrong. Because (a) any number of Uggs is too many Uggs, and (b) why would you have bought ANY, much less too many??
Watching the Over 35 Year Old Models Contest Show.
One of the women is angry about her group losing and thinks the contest was all about superficial things.
Um... its
I just watched the Freaks and Geeks episode where James Franco goes punk. om nom nom nom
wow, no posts in 3 hours. Hmmm, I hope that means folks are um, how did VW put it? Something about banana bread?
As for me, I got a FLURRY of productivity. Of course it hits after 10pm. After getting the old main computer wiped, all the Jaz carts wiped, all the floppies wiped, things started to get productive. The living room computer corner is missing it's two old carcasses. The "studio" in the bedroom is missing gear and it's old tower. The list goes on. There is about 6' long by 3' tall worth of gear and boxes o cable lined up at the front door, and more to be assembled before loading up the car tomorrow. But my back started getting tired, so I figured I should wait till morning to finish making noise.
So, my list for the day had 18 items on it. I got 13 done, with 3 partial done. Yay me! So why is it that WRITING a list works better than TYPING a list?